Journal Articles - 15 |
2020 |
Parks, G., Dean, C. W., Kluge, J. A., Soloviev, A. V., Shivji, M., Tartar, A., et al. (2020). Analysis of Surfactant-Associated Bacteria in the Sea Surface Microlayer Using DNA Sequencing and Synthetic Aperture Radar. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 41(10), 3886–3901.
Vanderplow, B., Soloviev, A. V., Dean, C. W., Haus, B. K., Lukas, R., Sami, M., et al. (2020). Potential effect of bio-surfactants on sea spray generation in tropical cyclone conditions. Sci Rep, 10(1).
2018 |
Howe, K. L., Dean, C. W., Kluge, J., Soloviev, A. V., Tartar, A., Shivji, M., et al. (2018). Relative abundance of Bacillus spp., surfactant-associated bacterium present in a natural sea slick observed by satellite SAR imagery over the Gulf of Mexico. Elem Sci Anth, 6(1), 8.
2017 |
Soloviev, A. V., Lukas, R., Donelan, M. A., Haus, B. K., & Ginis, I. (2017). Is the State of the Air-Sea Interface a Factor in Rapid Intensification and Rapid Decline of Tropical Cyclones? J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 122(12), 10174–10183.
2016 |
Dean, C., Soloviev, A., Hirons, A., Frank, T., & Wood, J. (2016). Biomixing due to diel vertical migrations of zooplankton: Comparison of computational fluid dynamics model with observations. Ocean Modelling, 98, 51–64.
Fujimura, A., Soloviev, A., Rhee, S. H., & Romeiser, R. (2016). Coupled Model Simulation of Wind Stress Effect on Far Wakes of Ships in SAR Images. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, 54(5), 2543–2551.
Huguenard, K. D., Bogucki, D. J., Ortiz-Suslow, D. G., Laxague, N. J. M., MacMahan, J. H.,?�zgökmen, T. M., et al. (2016). On the nature of the frontal zone of the Choctawhatchee Bay plume in the Gulf of Mexico. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 121(2), 1322–1345.
Kurata, N., Vella, K., Hamilton, B., Shivji, M., Soloviev, A., Matt, S., et al. (2016). Surfactant-associated bacteria in the near-surface layer of the ocean. Sci. Rep., 6, 19123.
Soloviev, A. V., Haus, B. K., McGauley, M. G., Dean, C. W., Ortiz-Suslow, D. G., Laxague, N. J. M., et al. (2016). Surface dynamics of crude and weathered oil in the presence of dispersants: Laboratory experiment and numerical simulation. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 121(5), 3502–3516.
2015 |
Hamilton, B., Dean, C., Kurata, N., Vella, K., Soloviev, A., Tartar, A., et al. (2015). Surfactant associated bacteria in the sea surface microlayer: Case studies in the Straits of Florida and the Gulf of Mexico. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 41(2), 135–143.
Soloviev, A. V., Matt, S., & Fujimura, A. (2015). 3D Dynamics of Freshwater Lenses in the Near-Surface Layer of the Ocean. Oceanography, 28(1), 142–149.
2014 |
Matt, S., Fujimura, A., Soloviev, A., Rhee, S. H., & Romeiser, R. (2014). Fine-scale features on the sea surface in SAR satellite imagery – Part 2: Numerical modeling. Ocean Sci., 10(3), 427–438.
Soloviev, A. V., Lukas, R., Donelan, M. A., Haus, B. K., & Ginis, I. (2014). The air-sea interface and surface stress under tropical cyclones. Sci. Rep., 4.
Ã?zgökmen, T. M., Beron-Vera, F. J., Bogucki, D., Chen, S., Dawson, C., Dewar, W., et al. (2014). Research Overview of the Consortium for Advanced Rserach on Transport of Hydrocarbon in the Envrionment (CARTHE). Proceedings of the International Oil Spill Conference, 2014(1), 544–560.
2012 |
Soloviev, A., Fujimura, A., & Matt, S. (2012). Air-sea interface in hurricane conditions. J. Geophys. Res., 117(C11).
Book Chapter - 1 |
2014 |
Soloviev, A., & Lukas, R. (2014). The Near-Surface Layer of the Ocean: Structure, Dynamics and Applications. In Springer- Second Edition (Vol. 48, pp. 225–290).
Conference Presentations - 73 |
2020 |
Kluge, J. A., Soloviev, A., Dean, C., Morrison, G., Schwarz, E., Lehner, S., et al. (2020). Surface Wave Patterns at a Sharp Front Produced by Runoff from the Mississippi River Identified by Synthetic Aperture Radar Satellite Imagery. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020. San Diego, CA : 02/16/20-02/21/20: Poster.
Kluge, J. A., Soloviev, A., Dean, C., Morrison, G., Schwarz, E., Lehner, S., et al. (2020). Wave Patterns and Current Velocity Measurements at a Sharp Front Produced by Runoff From the Mississippi River in the Gulf of Mexico. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2020. Tampa, FL : 02/03/20-02/06/20: Poster.
Parks, G., Vanderplow, B., Kluge, J., Soloviev, A. V., Perrie, W., & Shen, H. (2020). Microbial Analysis of Sea Surface Microlayer Slicks in the Florida Keys in Coordination with Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2020. Tampa, FL : 02/03/20-02/06/20.
Soloviev, A. V., Vanderplow, B., & Dean, C. W. (2020). Dynamics of the Freshwater Lenses Produced by Convective Rain and River Runoff in the Near-Surface Layer of the Ocean. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020. San Diego, CA : 02/16/20-02/21/20: Poster.
Soloviev, A. V., Vanderplow, B., Dean, C. W., Schwarz, E., Lehner, S., Shen, H., et al. (2020). Observation and Modeling of Low-Salinity Lenses off the Louisiana Coast. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2020. Tampa, FL : 02/03/20-02/06/20.
Vanderplow, B., Soloviev, A. V., Dean, C. W., Haus, B. K., & Lukas, R. (2020). Effect of Surfactants on the Generation of Sea Spray During Tropical Cyclones. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020. San Diego, CA : 02/16/20-02/21/20: Poster.
Vanderplow, B., Soloviev, A. V., Dean, C. W., Haus, B. K., & Lukas, R. (2020). Effect of Surfactants on the Generation of Sea Spray During Tropical Cyclones. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2020. Tampa, FL : 02/03/20-02/06/20.
2019 |
Parks, G., Dean, C., Kluge, J., Soloviev, A., Shen, H., & Perrie, W. (2019). Analysis of Bacteria in the Sea Surface Microlayer in the Florida Keys. In International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly. Montreal, Canada : 07/08/19-07/18/19.
Parks, G., Howe, K. L., Dean, C. W., Kluge, J. A., Soloviev, A., Tartar, A., et al. (2019). DNA Analysis of Surfactant Associated Bacteria in the Sea Surface Microlayer Collected in Oil Seeps and on a Coral Reef During SAR Satellite Overpasses. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2019. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19: Poster.
Soloviev, A., & Dean, C. W. (2019). Oil Spill Propagation in the Presence of Freshwater Lenses. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2019. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19: Poster.
Soloviev, A., McGauley, M. G., Dean, C. W., Kluge, J. A., Howe, K. L., Laxague, N. J. M., et al. (2019). Dynamics of Surfacing Oil Droplets in the Presence of Dispersants. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2019. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19: Poster.
Soloviev, A., Schwarz, E., Dean, C. W., Shen, H., Perrie, W., & Lehner, S. (2019). Turbulent Mixing in Freshwater Lenses in the Near-surface Sayer of the Ocean Laterally Spreading as Gravity Currents. In 2019 IEEE/OES Twelfth Current, Waves and Turbulence Measurement (CWTM 2019). San Diego, CA : 03/10/19-03/13/19.
Soloviev, A., Vanderplow, B., Dean, C., Haus, B., & Lukas, R. (2019). The Air-sea Interface Under Tropical Cyclones During Rapid Intensification. In 16th Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) Annual Meeting. Suntec City, Singapore : 07/28/19-08/02/19.
Soloviev, A. V., & Dean, C. W. (2019). Freshwater Lenses in the Near-Surface Layer of the Ocean Due to River Runoff or Convective Rains Spreading as Gravity Currents. In International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly. Montreal, Canada : 07/08/19-07/18/19.
Soloviev, A. V., Dean, C. W., Vanderplow, B., Haus, B. K., & Lukas, R. (2019). The Air-sea Interface Under Tropical Cyclone Conditions During Rapid Intensification: Numerical Simulation and Extension of Laboratory Results to Open Ocean Conditions. In Waves in Shallow Environment Meeting (WISE 2019). Hokkaido, Japan : 05/12/19-05/16/19.
Soloviev, A. V., Vanderplow, B., Haus, B. K., Lukas, R., & Ginis, I. (2019). The State of the Air-sea Interface--a Factor in Rapid Intensification of Tropical Cyclones. In International Workshop on Tropical Cyclone – Ocean Interaction in the Northwest Pacific (TCOI 2019). Jeju, South Korea : 06/19/19-06/21/19.
Vanderplow, B., Soloviev, A. V., Dean, C. W., Haus, B. K., & Lukas, R. (2019). Effect of Surfactants on the Generation of Sea Spray During Tropical Cyclones. In International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly. Montreal, Canada : 07/08/19-07/18/19.
Vanderplow, B., Soloviev, A. V., Dean, C. W., Haus, B. K., Lukas, R., & Ginis, I. (2019). The Effect of Surfactants on the Generation of Sea Spray During Tropical Cyclones. In International Workshop on Tropical Cyclone – Ocean Interaction in the Northwest Pacific (TCOI 2019). Jeju, South Korea : 06/19/19-06/21/19: Poster.
2018 |
Dean, C., & Soloviev, A. (2018). Freshwater Lenses in the Near-Surface Layer of the Ocean Laterally Spreading as Gravity Currents. In 2018 AGU Fall Meeting. Washington, DC : 12/10/18-12/14/18: Poster.
Dean, C., & Soloviev, A. (2018). Non-hydrostatic Dynamics of Freshwater Lenses in the Near-Surface Layer of the Ocean. In NHOM-Brest: Workshop on Non-Hydrostatic Ocean Modeling. Brest, France : 10/15/18-11/11/18.
Dean, C. W., Kluge, J., Soloviev, A. V., Tartar, A., Shivji, M., Lehner, S., et al. (2018). Microbial analysis of the sea surface microlayer with a focus on surfactant-associated bacteria and applications to satellite oceanography. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2018. New Orleans, LA : 02/05/18-02/08/18.
Lehner, S., Soloviev, A., Dean, C. W., Perrie, W., Kluge, J., Schwarz, E., et al. (2018). High Resolution SAR Remote Sensing of Oil Seepage during SPLASH. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2018. New Orleans, LA : 02/05/18-02/08/18: Poster.
McGauley, M. G., Howe, K. L., Dean, C. W., Soloviev, A. V., Laxague, N. J. M., Haus, B., et al. (2018). Laboratory and Computational Fluid Dynamic Experiments on Oil Droplet Dynamics in the Presence of Dispersants. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2018. New Orleans, LA : 02/05/18-02/08/18.
Parks, G., Howe, K. L., Dean, C. W., Kluge, J. A., Soloviev, A. V., Tartar, A., et al. (2018). Analysis of Surfactant Associated Bacteria in the Sea Surface Microlayer using DNA Sequencing and Synthetic Aperture Radar . In 14th Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference (PORSEC). Jeju Island, Korea : 11/04/18-11/07/18.
Parks, G., Soloviev, A. V., Howe, K. L., Dean, C. W., Kluge, J. A., Tartar, A., et al. (2018). Analysis of Surfactant-Associated Bacteria in the Sea Surface Microlayer in Oil Slicks Observed in Synthetic Aperture Radar Satellite Imagery. In 15th Annual Asia Oceania Geosciences Society Meeting. Honolulu, HI : 06/03/18-06/08/18.
Soloviev, A. V., & Dean, C. W. (2018). Freshwater Lenses in the Near-Surface Layer of the Ocean Produced by Convective and Stratiform Rains. In Ocean Salinity Science Conference. Paris, France : 11/06/18-11/09/18.
Soloviev, A. V., Dean, C. W., Dodge, R. E., & Wood, J. (2018). Long-term ADCP observations on the Southeast Florida Shelf. In Teledyne Marine Technology Workshop (TMTW). Cannes, France : 10/09/18-10/11/18.
Soloviev, A. V., Dean, C. W., Kluge, J., Lehner, S., Perrie, W., & Schuler, P. (2018). Fine-scale Features on the Sea Surface Observed in the Vicinity of an Oil Seep in the Gulf of Mexico during SPLASH. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2018. New Orleans, LA : 02/05/18-02/08/18.
Soloviev, A. V., Dean, C. W., & McGauley, M. G. (2018). A Multi-phase Model of the Air-sea Interface under Tropical Cyclone Conditions. In NHOM-Brest: Workshop on Non-Hydrostatic Ocean Modeling. Brest, France : 10/15/18-11/11/18.
Soloviev, A. V., Dean, C. W., & McGauley, M. G. (2018). The Air-sea Interface as a Factor in Rapid Intensification of Tropical Cyclones. In 2018 AGU Fall Meeting. Washington, DC : 12/10/18-12/14/18.
Soloviev, A. V., Lukas, R., Donelan, M. A., Haus, B. K., & Ginis, I. (2018). The air-sea interface and rapid intensification of tropical cyclones. In 25th Meeting on Waves In the Shallow water Environment. Tel Aviv, Israel : 04/22/18-04/26/18.
Soloviev, A. V., Lukas, R., Donelan, M. A., Haus, B. K., & Ginis, I. (2018). The State of the Air-Sea Interface During Rapid Intensification of Tropical Cyclones. In 15th Annual Asia Oceania Geosciences Society Meeting. Honolulu, HI : 06/03/18-06/08/18.
2017 |
Dean, C. W., & Soloviev, A. V. (2017). Diel Vertical Migration of Zooplankton: Numerical Modeling of the Effect of Oil Emulsions and Freshwater Lenses. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.
Howe, K. L., Dean, C. W., Kluge, J. A., Soloviev, A. V., Tartar, A., & Shivji, M. (2017). Bacterial community composition in the sea surface microlayer with a focus on surfactant-associated bacteria in application to satellite oceanography. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.
Soloviev, A. V., Haus, B. K., McGauley, M. G., Dean, C. W., Ortiz-Suslow, D. G., Laxague, N. J. M., et al. (2017). Small-scale Structure and Dynamics of Surface Oil Spills in the Presence of Dispersants: Laboratory Experiment and Numerical Simulation. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.
2016 |
Dean, C. W., Soloviev, A. V., & Frank, T. M. (2016). Numerical Simulation of Diel Vertical Migrations of Zooplankton in Oil Emulsions and Freshwater Lenses. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16: Poster.
Soloviev, A. V., Lukas, R., Donelan, M. A., Haus, B. K., & Ginis, I. (2016). The Air-sea Interface under Tropical Cyclones and Rapid Intensification of Some Storms to Major Tropical Cyclones. In 32nd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology. San Juan, Puerto Rico : 04/17/16-04/22/16.
2015 |
Dean, C., & Soloviev, A. (2015). 3D Dynamics of the Near-Surface Layer of the Oceanin the Presence of Freshwater Influx. In 2015 AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA : 12/12/15-12/16/15: Poster.
Dean, C., Soloviev, A., Frank, T., Hirons, A., & Wood, J. (2015). Diel Vertical Migrations of Zooplankton and Turbulent Mixing Numerical Simulation in Relation to Potential Oil Spills. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2015. Houston, TX : 02/16/15-02/19/15: Poster.
Dean, C., Soloviev, A., Hirons, A., Frank, T., & Wood, J. (2015). Dissipation Rate of Turbulent Kinetic Energy in Diel Vertical Migrations: Comparison of ANSYS Fluent Model to Measurements. In European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015. Vienna, Austria : 04/12/15-04/17/15.
Hamilton, B., Dean, C., Kurata, N., Soloviev, A., Tartar, A., Shivji, M., et al. (2015). Linking the Presence of Surfactant Associated Bacteria on the Sea Surface and in the Near Surface Layer of the Ocean to Satellite Imagery. In European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015. Vienna, Austria : 04/12/15-04/17/15: Poster.
Hamilton, B., Dean, C., Soloviev, A., Tartar, A., Shivji, M., Perrie, W., et al. (2015). Surfactant Associated Bacteria in the Near-Surface Layer of the Ocean. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2015. Houston, TX : 02/16/15-02/19/15.
Soloviev, A., & Dean, C. (2015). Sea Surface Salinity Variability: In Situ and Satellite Observations. In European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015. Vienna, Austria : 04/12/15-04/17/15.
Soloviev, A., & Dean, C. (2015). A Model for Langmuir Circulation Under Tropical Cyclone Conditions. In Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 12th Annual Meeting. Suntec City, Singapore : 08/02/15-08/07/15.
Soloviev, A., Dean, C., & Donelan, M. (2015). Turbulence and Coherent Structures in the Near Surface Layer of the Ocean for Clean and Covered by Surfactant Sea Surface. In 7th International Symposium on Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces. Seattle, WA : 05/18/15-05/21/15.
Soloviev, A., Dean, C., & McGauley, M. (2015). 3D Dynamics of the Near-Surface Layer of the Ocean: Field and Computational Experiments. In 13th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM13). San Diego, CA : 07/26/15-07/30/15.
Soloviev, A., & Lukas, R. (2015). New data on relatively soluble gases shed light on the interfacial and bubble-mediated gas transfer velocity under high wind speed conditions. In 7th International Symposium on Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces. Seattle, WA : 05/18/15-05/21/15: Poster.
Soloviev, A., McGauley, M., Hamilton, B., Donelan, M., Haus, B., Laxague, N., et al. (2015). Computational and laboratory experiments on microphysics of the air-sea interface under hurricane conditions. In 95th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ : 01/04/15-01/08/15.
Soloviev, A., McGauley, M., Hamilton, B., Haus, B., Laxague, N., & Ortiz-Suslow, D. (2015). The Air-Sea Interface in the Presence of Oil and Dispersants: Multi-Phase Modeling Coordinated with Laboratory Experiments. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2015. Houston, TX : 02/16/15-02/19/15: Poster.
2014 |
Dean, C., Soloviev, A., Frank, T., Hirons, A., & Wood, J. (2014). Diel Vertical Migrations of Zooplankton and Turbulent Mixing: Observations and Numerical Simulation. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2014. Honolulu, HI : 02/23/14-02/28/14.
Dean, C., Soloviev, A., Frank, T., Hirons, A., & Wood, J. (2014). Effect of Diel Vertical Migrations of Zooplankton on Turbulent Mixing: Observations and Numerical Simulation. In 12th Biennial Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference. Bali, Indonesia : 11/04/2014-11/07/2014.
Hamilton, B., Dean, C., Kurata, N., Soloviev, A., Tartar, A., Shivji, M., et al. (2014). Linking Surfactant Associated Bacteria on the Sea Surface and in the Near Surface Layer of the Ocean to Satellite Imagery. In Earth Observation for Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions Science 2014. Frascati, Italy : 10/28/2014-10/31/2014.
Hamilton, B., Dean, C. K., N, Soloviev, A., Tartar, A., Shivji, M., Perrie, W., et al. (2014). Surfactants and Surfactant Associated Bacteria in the Sea Surface Microlayer. In International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2014. Quebec City, Canada : 07/13/14-07/18/14.
Hamilton, B., Kurata, N., Vella, K., Dean, K., Soloviev, A., Shivji, M., et al. (2014). DNA Analysis of Surfactant and Oil Associated Bacteria in the Sea Surface Microlayer. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2014. Mobile, AL: 01/26/14-01/30/14: Poster.
Lehner, S., Velotto, D., Singha, S., & Soloviev, A. (2014). Oil Spill in SAR Satellite Imagery. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2014. Mobile, AL: 01/26/14-01/30/14: Poster.
Soloviev, A., McGauley, M., Donelan, M., Haus, B., Laxague, N., Ortiz-Suslow, D., Ginis, I., Lukas, R. (2014). Microphysics of the air-sea interface under tropical cyclone conditions: Computational fluid dynamics simulation and laboratory experiment. In International Conference on Mesoscale Meteorology and Tropical Cyclones. Boulder, Colorado : 09/15/14-09/18/14.
Soloviev, A., Lukas, R., Donelan, M., Haus, B., & Ginis, I. (2014). Microphysics of air-sea interface in tropical cyclones. In 31st Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology. San Diego, CA : 03/31/14-04/04/14.
Soloviev, A., Matt, S., Fujimura, A., & Romeiser, R. (2014). 3D Dynamics of Freshwater Plumes Produced by Convective Rains. In 12th Biennial Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference. Bali, Indonesia : 11/04/2014-11/07/2014.
Soloviev, A., Matt, S., McGauley, M., & Fujimura, A. (2014). Sea Surface Temperature and Salinity Under Low Wind Speed Conditions. In Earth Observation for Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions Science 2014. Frascati, Italy : 10/28/2014-10/31/2014.
Soloviev, A., McGauley, M., Haus, B., Laxaque, N., Ortiz-Suslow, D., & Hamilton, B. (2014). Modeling of Multi-Phase Environments at the Air-Sea Interface in the Presence of Oil and Dispersants. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2014. Mobile, AL: 01/26/14-01/30/14.
2013 |
Kurata, N., Vella, K., Soloviev, A., Matt, S., Tartar, A., Shivji, M., et al. (2013). Surfactant-Associated Bacteria in the Near Surface Layer of the Ocean. In European Geosciences Union General Assembly. Vienna, Austria, April 7-13, 2013: Poster.
Kurata, N., Vella, K., Tartar, A., Matt, S., Shivji, M., & Soloviev, A. (2013). Assessing Lagrangian coherent structures and uncertainties using RELO ensemble system in the Gulf of Mexico. In American Meteorolical Society Annual Meeting. Austin, TX, January 6-10, 2013.
Soloviev, A., Lukas, R., Donelan, M., & Ginis, I. (2013). Mapping historical 13C data from sedimentary organic material in the Gulf of Mexico provides background for tracking oil contamination. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2013. New Orleans, LA: 01/21/2013-01/23/2013.
Soloviev, A., Lukas, R., Donelan, M., & Ginis, I. (2013). The Air-Sea Interface and Surface Stress under Tropical Cyclones. In European Geosciences Union General Assembly. Vienna, Austria, April 7-13, 2013.
Soloviev, A., Matt, M., & Fujimura, A. (2013). Scale-dependent Relative Dispersion Measurements from the Grand LAgrangian Deployment (GLAD). In European Geosciences Union, General Assembly. Vienna, Austria, April 8-12, 2013.
Soloviev, A., Matt, S., & Fujimura, A. (2013). Multi-Phase Air-Sea Interface Model. In SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences. Padua, Italy, June 17-20, 2013.
Soloviev, A., Matt, S., & Fujimura, A. (2013). Multi-Phase Air-Water and Air-Oil Interface Model for Tropical Cyclone Conditions. In Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 10th Annual Meeting. Brisbane, Australia, June 24-28, 2013.
Soloviev, A., McGauley, M., Matt, S., Shivji, M., Tartar, A., Kurata, N., et al. (2013). Air-sea Gas Exchange: Low and High Wind Speed Extremes. In Air-Sea Gas Flux Workshop. Brest, France, September 23-27, 2013.
2012 |
Soloviev, A., & et al. (2012). The Air-Sea Interface Under Tropical Cyclone Conditions. In American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting. Ponte Verde Beach, FL, April 16-20, 2012.
Soloviev, A., & et al. (2012). Air-Sea Interface Under Tropical Cyclone Conditions. In AGU/AOGS Oceania Geosciences Meeting. Sentosa, Singapore, August 13-17, 2012.
Soloviev, A., & et al. (2012). Effect of Surfactants on Sea Surface Temperature and Salinity. In IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Symposium (IGARSS). Munich, Germany, July 22-27, 2012.
Soloviev, A., Fujimura, A., & & Matt, S. (2012). Disruption of the Air-Sea Interface and Formation of Two-Phase Transitional Layer in Hurricane Conditions. In European Geosciences Union 2012 General Assembly. Vienna, Austria, April 22-27, 2012.
Soloviev, A., Fujimura, A., & Matt, S. (2012). Air-sea interface under tropical cyclone conditions. In American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting. Ponte Verde Beach, FL, April 16-20, 2012.