Journal Articles - 18 |
2021 |
Ainsworth, C. H., Chassignet, E. P., French-McCay, D., Beegle-Krause, C. J., Berenshtein, I., Englehardt, J., et al. (2021). Ten years of modeling the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Environmental Modelling & Software, 142, 105070.
Boufadel, M., Bracco, A., Chassignet, E., Chen, S., D'Asaro, E., Dewar, W., et al. (2021). Physical Transport Processes that Affect the Distribution of Oil in the Gulf of Mexico: Observations and Modeling. Oceanog, 34(1), 58–75.
Faillettaz, R., Paris, C. B., Vaz, A. C., Perlin, N., Aman, Z. M., Schluter, M., et al. (2021). The choice of droplet size probability distribution function for oil spill modeling is not trivial. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 163, 111920.
Halanych, K., Ainsworth, C., Cordes, E., Dodge, R., Huettel, M., Mendelssohn, I., et al. (2021). Effects of Petroleum By-Products and Dispersants on Ecosystems. Oceanog, 34(1), 152–163.
Vaz, A. C., Faillettaz, R., & Paris, C. B. (2021). A Coupled Lagrangian-Earth System Model for Predicting Oil Photooxidation. Front. Mar. Sci., 8, E576747.
2020 |
Bracco, A., Paris, C. B., Esbaugh, A. J., Frasier, K., Joye, S. B., Liu, G., et al. (2020). Transport, Fate and Impacts of the Deep Plume of Petroleum Hydrocarbons Formed During the Macondo Blowout. Front. Mar. Sci., 7, 542147.
Pesch, S., Knopf, R., Radmehr, A., Paris, C. B., Aman, Z. M., Hoffmann, M., et al. (2020). Experimental Investigation, Scale-Up and Modeling of Droplet Size Distributions in Turbulent Multiphase Jets. Mst, 32(2), 113–136.
Schwing, P. T., Montagna, P. A., Joye, S. B., Paris, C. B., Cordes, E. E., McClain, C. R., et al. (2020). A Synthesis of Deep Benthic Faunal Impacts and Resilience Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7.
2019 |
Murawski, S. A., Schlüter, M., Paris, C. B., & Aman, Z. M. (2019). Resolving the dilemma of dispersant use for deep oil spill response. Environ. Res. Lett., 14(9), 091002.
2018 |
Olascoaga, M. J., Miron, P., Paris, C., Pérez-Brunius, P., Pérez-Portela, R., Smith, R. H., et al. (2018). Connectivity of Pulley Ridge with remote locations as inferred from satellite-tracked drifter trajectories. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 123(8), 5742–5750.
Paris, C. B., Berenshtein, I., Trillo, M. L., Faillettaz, R., Olascoaga, M. J., Aman, Z. M., et al. (2018). BP Gulf Science Data Reveals Ineffectual Subsea Dispersant Injection for the Macondo Blowout. Front. Mar. Sci., 5, 389.
2016 |
Lindo-Atichati, D., Paris, C. B., Le Hénaff, M., Schedler, M., Valladares Juárez, A. G., & Müller, R. (2016). Simulating the effects of droplet size, high-pressure biodegradation, and variable flow rate on the subsea evolution of deep plumes from the Macondo blowout. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 129, 301–310.
Socolofsky, S., Adams, E. E., Paris, C., & Yang, D. (2016). How do oil, gas, and water interact near a subsea blowout? Oceanog, 29(3), 64–75.
2015 |
Aman, Z., Paris, C. B., May, E. F., Johns, M. L., & Lindo-Atichati, D. (2015). High-Pressure Visual Experimental Studies of Oil-in-Water Dispersion Droplet Size. Chemical Engineering Science, 127(2015), 392–400.
2013 |
Aman, Z. M., & Paris, C. B. (2013). Response to Comment on “Evolution of the Macondo Well Blowout: Simulating the Effects of the Circulation and Synthetic Dispersants on the Subsea Oil Transport”. Environ. Sci. Technol., 47(20), 11906–11907.
2012 |
Le Henaff, M., Kourafalou, V., Paris, C. B., Helgers, J., Aman, Z. M., Hogan, P., et al. (2012). Surface Evolution of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Patch: Combined Effects of Circulation and Wind-Induced Drift. Environmental Science & Technology, 46(13), 7267–7273.
Paris, C. B., Le Henaff, M., Aman, Z. M., Subramaniam, A., Helgers, J., Wang, D. - P., et al. (2012). Evolution of the Macondo Well Blowout: Simulating the Effects of the Circulation and Synthetic Dispersants on the Subsea Oil Transport. Environ. Sci. Technol., 46(24), 13293–13302.
Staaterman, E., Paris, C. B., & Helgers, J. (2012). Orientation behavior in fish larvae: A missing piece to Hjort's critical period hypothesis. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 304, 188–196.
Book Wholes - 2 |
2019 |
Murawski, S.;A., C., Gilbert, S., Hollander, D., Paris, C., Schlüter, M., & Wetzel, D. (2019). Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (S., Murawski, C. Ainsworth, S. Gilbert, D. Hollander, C. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al., Eds.). Springer International Publishing.
Murawski, S.;A., C., Gilbert, S., Hollander, D., Paris, C., Schlüter, M., & Wetzel, D. (2019). Deep Oil Spills – Facts, Fate, and Effects (S., Murawski, C. Ainsworth, S. Gilbert, D. Hollander, C. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al., Eds.). Springer International Publishing.
Book Chapters - 12 |
2019 |
Berenshtein, I., Perlin, N., Ainsworth, C. H., Ortega-Ortiz, J. G., Vaz, A. C., & Paris, C. B. (2019). Comparison of the spatial extent, impacts to shorelines, and ecosystem and 4-dimensional characteristics of simulated oil spills. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 340–354). Springer International.
Berenshtein, I., Perlin, N., Murawski, S. A., Joye, S. B., & Paris, C. B. (2019). Evaluating the effectiveness of fishery closures for deep oil spills using a 4-dimensional model. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 390–402). Springer International.
Chancellor, E., Murawski, S. A., Paris, C. B., Perruso, L., & Perlin, N. (2019). Comparative environmental sensitivity of offshore Gulf of Mexico waters potentially impacted by ultra-deep oil well blowouts. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 443–469). Springer International.
Daly, K. L., Vaz, A. C., & Paris, C. B. (2019). Physical processes influencing the sedimentation and lateral transport of MOSSFA in the NE Gulf of Mexico. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 300–314). Springer International.
Murawski, S. A., Ainsworth, C., Gilbert, S., Hollander, D. J., Paris, C. B., Schluter, M., et al. (2019). Summary of Progress on Major Research Issues: Deep-Sea Oil Spills. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Deep Oil Spills – Facts, Fate, and Effects (pp. 584–594). Springer International.
Murawski, S. A., Ainsworth, C. H., Gilbert, S. A., Hollander, D. J., Paris, C. B., Schlüter, M., et al. (2019). Introduction to the Volume. In Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 4–15). Springer International.
Murawski, S. A., Ainsworth, C. H., Gilbert, S. A., Hollander, D. J., Paris, C. B., Schlüter, M., et al. (2019). Introduction to the Volume. In Deep Oil Spills – Facts, Fate, and Effects (pp. 4–10). Springer International.
Paris, C. B., Murawski, S. A., Olascoaga, M. J., Vaz, A. C., Berenshtein, I., Miron, P., et al. (2019). Connectivity of Gulf of Mexico continental shelf fish populations and implications of simulated oil spills. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 369–389). Springer International.
Paris, C. B., Vaz, A. C., Berenshtein, I., Perlin, P., Faillettaz, R., Aman, Z. M., et al. (2019). Simulating deep oil spills beyond the Gulf of Mexico. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 315–339). Springer International.
Perlin, N., Paris, C. B., Berenshtein, I., Vaz, A. C., Faillettaz, R., Aman, Z. M., et al. (2019). Far-Field Modeling of a Deep-Sea Blowout: Sensitivity Studies of Initial Conditions, Biodegradation, Sedimentation, and Subsurface Dispersant Injection on Surface Slicks and Oil Plume Concentrations. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Deep Oil Spills – Facts, Fate, and Effects (pp. 170–192). Springer International.
Pesch, S., Schluter, M., Aman, Z. M., Malone, K., Krause, D., & Paris, C. B. (2019). Behavior of Rising Droplets and Bubbles: Impact on the Physics of Deep-Sea Blowouts and Oil Fate. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Deep Oil Spills – Facts, Fate, and Effects (pp. 65–82). Springer International.
Vaz, A. C., Paris, C. B., Dissanayake, A., Socolofsky, S., Gros, J., & Boufadel, M. C. (2019). Dynamic Coupling of Near-Field and Far-Field Models. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Deep Oil Spills – Facts, Fate, and Effects (pp. 139–154). Springer Internationalnational.
Conference Presentations - 51 |
2020 |
Berenshtein, I., Perlin, N., Ainsworth, C., Ortega-Ortiz, J., Vaz, A., & Paris, C. (2020). Comparison of the Spatial Extent and Ecosystem Impacts of Oil Spill Scenarios in the Gulf of Mexico. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2020. Tampa, FL : 02/03/20-02/06/20.
Booth, C. P., Aman, Z., Leggoe, J., Paris-Limouzy, C. B., & Schl?ter, M. (2020). Computational Fluid Dynamics and the Prediction of Droplet Sizes. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2020. Tampa, FL : 02/03/20-02/06/20: Poster.
Faillettaz, R., Pasparakis, C., Vaz, A. C., Stieglitz, J. D., Benetti, D., Grosell, M., et al. (2020). Are Pelagic Fish Embryos Really Floating at the Sea Surface? In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2020. Tampa, FL : 02/03/20-02/06/20.
Faillettaz, R., Vaz, A. C., & Paris, C. B. (2020). Tracking the exposure to radiations of particles moving in a moving ocean: A novel irradiance Lagrangian module of the Connectivity Modeling System. In 2020 AGU Ocean Science Meeting. San Diego, CA : 02/16/20-02/21/20: Poster.
Hollander, D. J., Hu, C., Paris, C., Murk, A. J., Foekema, E. M., & Langenhoff, A. (2020). A New Approach to Predicting MOSSFA Prone Areas to Guide Future Oil Spill Response and Natural Resource Damage Assessment. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2020. Tampa, FL : 02/03/20-02/06/20.
Montas, L., Paris, C. B., Ferguson, A., Mena, K., & Solo-Gabriele, H. (2020). A 3D-Fate and Transport Model Explains Measured Changes in PAH Concentrations from Beached Oil. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2020. Tampa, FL : 02/03/20-02/06/20.
Murawski, S. A., Schl?ter, M., Paris, C., & Aman, Z. (2020). An Interpretation of Factors Accounting for Deep Oil Plumes Following Deepwater Horizon. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2020. Tampa, FL : 02/03/20-02/06/20: Poster.
Paris, C. B., Perlin, N., Vaz, A. C., Pesch, S., Faillettaz, R., Schl?ter, M., et al. (2020). To Disperse or Not to Disperse? In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2020. Tampa, FL : 02/03/20-02/06/20.
Paris, C. B., Perlin, N., Vaz, A. C., Pesch, S., Faillettaz, R., Schl?ter, M., et al. (2020). Modeling Degassing in Live Oil Droplets Rising from Deep-Sea Blowouts Settles the Droplet Size Debate. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2020. Tampa, FL : 02/03/20-02/06/20.
Paris, C. B., Perlin, N., Vaz, A. C., Pesch, S., Faillettaz, R., Schl?ter, M., et al. (2020). Advances in modeling ultra-deep sea oil spills. In 2020 AGU Ocean Science Meeting. San Diego, CA : 02/16/20-02/21/20: Poster.
Perlin, N., Paris, C. B., Vaz, A. C., Pesch, S., Aman, Z. M., Schl?ter, M., et al. (2020). Advances in oil transport and fate modeling for deep-sea oil spills using the oil application of the Connectivity Modeling System (oil-CMS). In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2020. Tampa, FL : 02/03/20-02/06/20.
Pesch, S., Radmehr, A., Knopf, R., Maly, M., Paris, C. B., Perlin, N., et al. (2020). Investigation of Droplet Dispersion and Distribution in Experiments and Modeling: Relevant Findings for Decision-Making and Dispersant Use. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2020. Tampa, FL : 02/03/20-02/06/20.
Schlenker, L., Faillettaz, R., Stieglitz, J., Lam, C. H., Hoenig, R., Heuer, R., et al. (2020). Effects of oil on mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus)-Using pop-up satellite archival tags to reveal the movement ecology of wild fish. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2020. Tampa, FL : 02/03/20-02/06/20.
Schwing, P., Kilborn, J., Montagna, P., Paris, C., Faillettaz, R., Joye, S., et al. (2020). Assembling the Benthic Record of Species and Community Change for the Gulf of Mexico Following the Deepwater Horizon Event. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2020. Tampa, FL : 02/03/20-02/06/20.
Vaz, A. C., Faillettaz, R., & Paris, C. B. (2020). Coupling an Earth System Model to the Connectivity Modeling System- allows dynamic estimates of oil photooxidation in the Gulf of Mexico. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2020. Tampa, FL : 02/03/20-02/06/20.
2019 |
Berenshtein, I., O'Farrell, S., Perlin, N., Sanchrico, J., Murawski, S., & Paris, C. B. (2019). Predicting the impact of future oil-spills closures on fishery revenues – a spatially explicit approach. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2019. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19.
Berenshtein, I., Paris, C. B., Perlin, N., Joye, S. B., & Murawski, S. A. (2019). Invisible Oil Beyond The Deepwater Horizon Satellite Footprint. In 2019 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Sciences Conference. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19: Poster.
Chancellor, E., Murawski, S. A., Paris, C. B., Peruso, L., & Perlin, N. (2019). The Development of Offshore Environmental Sensitivity Indices Relevant to Deep Water Oil Well Blowouts in the Gulf of Mexico. In 2019 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Sciences Conference. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19: Poster.
Daly, K., Vaz, A., & Paris, C. B. (2019). Physical Processes Influencing the Sedimentation and Lateral Transport of MOSSFA in the NE Gulf of Mexico. In 2019 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Sciences Conference. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19: Poster.
Faillettaz, R., & Paris, C. B. (2019). The importance of the type of DSD for the rising velocity and oil partition in the water column and budget-PAH tradeoff. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2019. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19: Poster.
Faillettaz, R., Paris, C. B., Aman, Z. M., Schluter, M., & Grosell, M. (2019). How critical is the choice of droplet size probability distribution law for oil spill modeling? In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2019. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19: Poster.
Faillettaz, R., Pasparakis, C., Schlenker, L., Stieglitz, J., Benetti, D., Grosell, M., et al. (2019). An innate UV-protection system in Mahi-mahi embryos, Part 2: Modeling the embryos vertical distribution in the Gulf of Mexico. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2019. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19.
Murawski, S. A., Peebles, E. B., Gracia, A., Tunnell, J. W., & Paris, C. B. (2019). On the Connectivity of Gulf of Mexico Fish Populations – the Importance of a OneGulf Perspective. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2019. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19.
Paris, C. B., Berenshtein, I., Faillettaz, R., Aman, Z. M., Olascoaga, M. J., & Joye, S. (2019). Analysis of the Macondo Blowout Using BP Gulf Science Data. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2019. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19: Poster.
Paris, C. B., Berenshtein, I., Faillettaz, R., Aman, Z. M., Olascoaga, M. J., & Joye, S. (2019). Analysis of the EFFECT of Subsea Dispersant injection on the MACONDO. In 42nd AMOP Technical Seminar on Environmental Contamination and Response. Halifax, Canada : 06/04/19-06/06/19: Poster.
Paris, C. B., Perlin, N., Berenshtein, I., Vaz, A. C., & Faillettaz, R. (2019). Advances in visualization of deep-sea blowout using numerical modeling and observations. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2019. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19.
Paris, C. B. P. (2019). Ultra Deep Oil Spill Modeling: Advances from Ten Years of Deepwaer Horizon Science. In 3rd Symposium on Deep-Sea Oil Spills. Hamburg, Germany : 12/05/19-12/05/19.
Pasparakis, C., Faillettaz, R., Stieglitz, J., Benetti, D., Paris, C. B., & Grosell, M. (2019). An innate UV-protection system in Mahi-mahi embryos, Part 1: Laboratory measurements of embryonic specific gravity and buoyancy. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2019. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19.
Perlin, N., & Paris, C. B. (2019). Where the oil goes and how much: converting Lagrangian output to Eulerian grid products. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2019. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19.
Perlin, N., & Paris, C. B. (2019). Using ensemble modeling approach for probabilistic estimates of water pollution from oil spills. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2019. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19: Poster.
Pesch, S., Jaeger, P., Malone, K., Paris, C. B., Aman, Z. M., Krause, D., et al. (2019). Experimental Investigation of Deep-Sea Oil Spills under In-Situ Conditions: Influence of High Pressure and Turbulent Multiphase Flow. In 10th International Conference on Multiphase Flow. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil : 05/19/19-05/24/19.
Pesch, S., Knopf, R., Aman, Z. M., Paris, C. B., Hoffmann, M., & Schlüter, M. (2019). Experimental Investigation and Prediction of Droplet Size Distributions in Turbulent Oil-in-Water Jets – Scale-up from Lab to Large Scale. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2019. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19.
Pesch, S., Paris, C. B., Aman, Z. M., Jaeger, P., Hoffmann, M., & Schluter, M. (2019). Investigating Deep-Sea Oil Spills: Transfer of Engineering Methods to an Environmental Issue in Experiments and Modeling. In 12th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE 12). Florence, Italy : 09/15/19-09/19/19.
Schlenker, L. S., Stieglitz, J. D., Hoenig, R. H., Faillettaz, R., Babcock, E. A., Lam, C. H., et al. (2019). Why Tag a Captive Fish? Evaluating habitat utilization, migration patterns, and spawning behavior in mahi-mahi using pop-up satellite archival tags. In 70th Tuna Conference. Lake Arrowhead, CA : 05/20/19-05/23/19.
Vaz, A., Paris, C. B., Dissanayake, A. L., Socolofsky, S. A., Gros, J., & Boufadel, M. C. (2019). Dynamic Coupling of Near-Field and Far-Field Models. In 2019 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Sciences Conference. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19: Poster.
Vaz, A., Paris, C. B., Dissanayake, A. L., Socolofsky, S. A., Gros, J., & Boufadel, M. C. (2019). Direct Coupling of Near-field and Far-field models hones predictions of oil spill transport and fate from deep-sea blowout. In 42nd AMOP Technical Seminar on Environmental Contamination and Response. Halifax, Canada : 06/04/19-06/06/19.
2018 |
Aman, Z., Schmid, N., Pesch, S., Paris, C. B., & Schluter, M. (2018). High-Pressure Oil-in-Water Droplet Size Distribution Measurements. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2018. New Orleans, LA : 02/05/18-02/08/18.
Paris, C. (2018). Asymmetric Larval Connectivity between Oceanographic Provinces of the Gulf of Mexico and Resilience of Fish Communities to Disturbances. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2018. New Orleans, LA : 02/05/18-02/08/18.
Paris, C. B. (2018). Larval Odyssey and Marine Population Connectivity, Now and Tomorrow. In 2018 AGU Fall Meeting. Washington, DC : 12/10/18-12/14/18.
2017 |
Ainsworth, C. H., Paris, C., Perlin, N., Dornberger, L., Patterson, W., Chancellor, E., et al. (2017). Ecosystem impacts of DWH evaluated with Atlantis. In 147th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Tampa, FL : 08/20/17-08/24/17.
Paris, C. B. (2017). Dynamic Coupling of Near Field and Far Field Models Hones Predictions of Oil Dispersion from Deep Sea Blowout. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.
Schlüter, M., Malone, K., Pesch, S., Krause, D., Paris, C. B., Aman, Z., et al. (2017). Implications of Pressure and Temperature Conditions on the Behavior of Deep Blowouts. In 2017 AAAS Annual Meeting. Boston, MA : 02/16/17-02/20/17.
2016 |
Paris, C. (2016). Planetary and High-pressure Effects on Deep Blowout. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16.
2015 |
Aman, Z., Paris, C. B., Schluter, M., May, E. F., & Johns, M. L. (2015). Oil droplet dispersion behavior during deepwater blowout conditions. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2015. Houston, TX : 02/16/15-02/19/15.
Chancellor, E., Murawski, S., Peebles, E., Lyczkowski-Shultz, J., & Paris-Limouzy, C. (2015). Vulnerability of fish larvae populations to an oil well blowout in the Gulf of Mexico. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2015. Houston, TX : 02/16/15-02/19/15.
Lindo-Atichati, D., Vaz, A. C., Karnauskas, M., & Paris, C. B. (2015). Estimating oil exposure of red snapper and gag grouper furing the DwH blowout. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2015. Houston, TX : 02/16/15-02/19/15: Poster.
Paris, C., & Lindo-Atichati, D. (2015). Visualization of blowout modeling output facilitates model evaluation and impact assessment to the water column. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2015. Houston, TX : 02/16/15-02/19/15.
2013 |
Lindo-Atichati, D., Paris, C., Le Henaff, M., & Kourafalou, V. H. (2013). Improving simulations of the subsea oil plume from the Macondo well blowout using a high-resolution application of the hybrid coordinate ocean model (HYCOM). In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2013. New Orleans, LA: 01/21/2013-01/23/2013.
Lindo-Atichati, D., Paris, C., Le Henaff, M., Schluter, M., Laqua, K., & Muller, R. V. - J. Ã. ¡rez, A. G. (2013). Simulating the effects of dispersant, droplet size, and flow rate on the subsea far-field biodegrading oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2013. New Orleans, LA: 01/21/2013-01/23/2013.
2012 |
Paris, C. B., Le Henaff, M., Aman, Z. M., Helgers, J., Wang, D. P., Subramaniam, A., et al. (2012). Three-dimensional evolution of the Macondo well blowout: a nested numerical approach to the transport of oil. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2012. Salt Lake City, UT: 02/19/12-02/24/12.
Paris, C. B., Le Henaff, M., Aman, Z., Suramaniam, A., Helgers, J., Wang, D. P., et al. (2012). Three dimensional evolution of the Macondo well blowout: a nested numerical approach to the transport of oil. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2012. Salt Lake City, UT: 02/19/12-02/24/12.