Journal Articles - 7 |
2020 |
Gordon, C., Fennel, K., Richards, C., Shay, L. K., & Brewster, J. K. (2020). Can ocean community production and respiration be determined by measuring high-frequency oxygen profiles from autonomous floats? Biogeosciences, 17(15), 4119–4134.
2019 |
Shay, L. K., Brewster, J., Jaimes, B., Gordon, C., Fennel, K., Furze, P., et al. (2019). Physical and Biochemical Structure Measured by APEX-EM Floats. 2019 IEEE/OES Twelfth Current, Waves and Turbulence Measurement (CWTM), , 1–6.
Yu, L., Fennel, K., Wang, B., Laurent, A., Thompson, K. R., & Shay, L. K. (2019). Evaluation of nonidentical versus identical twin approaches for observation impact assessments: an ensemble-Kalman-filter-based ocean assimilation application for the Gulf of Mexico. Ocean Sci., 15(6), 1801–1814.
2016 |
Jaimes, B., Shay, L. K., & Brewster, J. K. (2016). Observed air-sea interactions in tropical cyclone Isaac over Loop Current mesoscale eddy features. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 76, 306–324.
2015 |
Jaimes, B., & Shay, L. K. (2015). Enhanced Wind-Driven Downwelling Flow in Warm Oceanic Eddy Features During the Intensification of Tropical Cyclone Isaac (2012): Observations and Theory. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 45(6), 1667–1689.
Jaimes, B., Shay, L. K., & Uhlhorn, E. W. (2015). Enthalpy and momentum fluxes during Hurricane Earl relative to underlying ocean features. Mon. Wea. Rev., 143(1), 111–131.
2013 |
Uhlhorn, E. W., & Shay, L. K. (2013). Loop Current Mixed Layer Energy Response to Hurricane Lili (2002). Part II: Idealized Numerical Simulations. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 43(6), 1173–1192.
Conference Presentations - 43 |
2019 |
Gordon, C., Fennel, K., Shay, L. K., Brewster, J., & Rudzin, J. (2019). Elucidating Drivers of Surface Variations in Dissolved Oxygen observed by autonomous floats in the Gulf of Mexico. In OceanPredict 2019. Halifax, Canada : 05/06/19-05/10/19.
Hiron, L., Shay, L. K., & Jaimes, B. (2019). Evidence of Loop Current Frontal Eddy intensification through interactions with the Loop Current. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2019. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19: Poster.
Jaimes, B., & Shay, L. K. (2019). Observed Air-Sea Interactions During Hurricanes. In International Workshop on Tropical Cyclone – Ocean Interaction in the Northwest Pacific (TCOI 2019). Jeju, South Korea : 06/19/19-06/21/19.
Shay, L. K., Brewster, J., Jaimes, B., Furze, P., Fargher, H., Gordon, C., et al. (2019). Physical and Biochemical Response to a Cold Front Using Floats. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2019. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19.
Shay, L. K., Brewster, J., Jaimes, B., Gordon, C., Fennel, K., Furze, P., et al. (2019). Physical and biochemical variability from APEX-EM Floats. In 2019 IEEE/OES Twelfth Current, Waves and Turbulence Measurement. San Diego, CA : 03/10/19-03/13/19.
Shay, L. K., Furze, P., Fargher, H., Brewster, J., Jaimes, B., Gordon, C., et al. (2019). Near-inertial current response to forcing events measured by APEX-EM Floats. In Teledyne Marine Technology Workshop. San Diego, CA : 10/06/19-10/09/19.
Yu, L., Fennel, K., Wang, B., Laurent, A., Thompson, K., & Shay, L. (2019). Hindcasting the subsurface oil plume after the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. In OceanPredict 2019. Halifax, Canada : 05/06/19-05/10/19.
2018 |
Gordon, C., Fennel, K., Kuhn, A., Shay, L. K., & Brewster, J. (2018). Are surface chlorophyll measurements sufficient to accurately estimate primary production in the Gulf of Mexico. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2018. Portland, OR : 02/11/18-02/16/18: Poster.
Gordon, C., Fennel, K., Wang, B., Shay, L. K., & Brewster, J. (2018). Observing biogeochemical processes in the Gulf of Mexico using a set of uniquely-equipped autonomous floats. In CMOS 2018 Halifax. Halifax, Canada : 06/10/18-06/14/18.
Hiron, L., Jaimes, B., & Shay, L. (2018). Loop Current intensification by frontal eddy cyclones in the Gulf of Mexico. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2018. Portland, OR : 02/11/18-02/16/18: Poster.
Shay, L., Brewster, J., Maturi, E., Leuliette, E., Jaimes, B., Zhang, J., et al. (2018). Observed Ocean Heat Content Variations From In-Situ and Satellite Measurements During the 2017 Hurricane Season. In 33rd AMS Tropical Meteorology and Hurricane Conference. Pontre Vedra, FL : 04/16/18-04/20/18.
Shay, L., Furze, P., Fargher, H., Brewster, J., Jaimes, B., Fennel, K., et al. (2018). APEX-EM float measurements of physical and biochemical variability. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2018. Portland, OR : 02/11/18-02/16/18: Poster.
Shay, L., Furze, P., Fargher, H., Brewster, J., Jaimes, B., Fennel, K., et al. (2018). APEX-EM float performance measuring ocean structure. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2018. New Orleans, LA : 02/05/18-02/08/18.
Shay, L. K., Brewster, J. K., Maturi, E., Donahue, D., & Leuliette, E. (2018). Satellite derived ocean heat content variability for operational tropical cyclone intensity forecasting. In AMS Annual Meeting. Austin, TX : 01/08/18-01/12/18.
Yu, L., Fennel, K., Laurent, A., Zong, H., He, R., Kang, H., et al. (2018). Simulating deep-water hydrocarbon plumes with a data-assimilative model of the Gulf of Mexico. In CMOS 2018 Halifax. Halifax, Canada : 06/10/18-06/14/18.
2017 |
Jaimes, B., Shay, L. K., & Brewster, J. (2017). Observed air-sea interactions during hurricane Issac over warm Loop Current mesoscale ocean features. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.
Shay, L., Brewster, J., Maturi, E., Donahue, D., Leulitte, E., Jaimes, B., et al. (2017). Satellite Ocean Heat Content Variability: Implications for Weather and Climate Variations. In Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting (OSTST) 2017. Miami, FL : 10/23/17-10/27/17.
2016 |
Jaimes, B., Shay, L. K., & Brewster, J. (2016). A positive feedback mechanism for tropical cyclone intensification over warm oceanic mesoscale features. In 32nd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology. San Juan, Puerto Rico : 04/17/16-04/22/16.
Shay, L. K., Jaimes, B., Uhlhorn, E. (2016). Thermal and Momentum Loop Current Response to Hurricanes. In 32nd AMS Hurricane and Tropical Meteorology Conference. San Juan, PR : 04/17/16-04/23/16.
Shay, L. K., He, R., Fennel, K., & Furze, P. (2016). 3-Dimensional Gulf Circulation and Biogeochemical Processes Unveiled by State-of-the-Art Profiling Floats and Data Assimilative Ocean Models. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16: Poster.
Steffen, J., Chen, S., Shay, L. K., & Jaimes, B. (2016). Observations of a self-induced barrier layer. In 32nd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology. San Juan, Puerto Rico : 04/17/16-04/22/16: Poster.
2015 |
Jaimes, B., & Shay, L. K. (2015). Observed downwelling in a warm core eddy during hurricane Isaac's intensification. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2015. Houston, TX : 02/16/15-02/19/15: Poster.
2014 |
Jaimes, B., Shay, L., & Brewster, J. (2014). Upwelling and Mixing Processes Induced by Hurricane Isaac in Geostrophically Balanced Eddies. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2014. Honolulu, HI : 02/23/14-02/28/14.
Jaimes, B., Shay, L. K., & Brewster, J. (2014). Upwelling and Mixing processes Induced By Hurricane Isaac over Geostrophically Balanced Eddies. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2014. Honolulu, HI : 02/23/14-02/28/14: Poster.
Shay, L. K. (2014). Air sea Interactions During Hurricanes. In World Weather Open science Conference. Montreal, CA : 08/17/2014-08/21/2014.
Shay, L. K., Jaimes, B., Brewster, J., McCaskill, C., Uhlhorn, E., & Halliwell, G. (2014). Progress on Ocean Measurement Sampling Strategies in Hurricanes: AXCP and AXCTD Profiling. In Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference 2014. Miami, FL : 03/01/14-03/06/14.
2013 |
Jaimes, B., Shay, L. K., Brewster, J., Schuster, R., & Powell, M. D. (2013). Upper ocean observations of upwelling processes induced by tropical storm/hurricane Isaac. In Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference 2013. College Park, MD : 03/04/13-03/07/13.
Jaimes, B., Shay, L. K., Brewster, J., Schuster, R., & Powell, M. D. (2013). Observations of Upwelling Induced by Hurricane Isaac. In AGU Meeting of the Americas. Cancun, MX, May 14-17, 2013.
Schuster, R., Shay, L. K., Jaimes, B., & Teague, W. (2013). Deep ocean response to hurricane Ivan along the northern rim of the DeSoto Canyon. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2013. New Orleans, LA: 01/21/2013-01/23/2013: Poster.
Shay, L. K., Jaimes, B., Brewster, J., McCaskill, C., Uhlhorn, E., & Halliwell, G. (2013). Progress on Upper Ocean Strategies During Hurricanes: AXCP and AXCTD Profiling. In Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference 2013. College Park, MD : 03/04/13-03/07/13.
Shay, L. K., Jaimes, B., Schuster, R., & Brewster, J. K. (2013). Upwelling response to hurricane isaac. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2013. New Orleans, LA: 01/21/2013-01/23/2013.
Shay, L. K., Jaimes, B., Schuster, R., & Brewster, J. K. (2013). Impact of Ocean Eddies on the Upwelling Response to Isaac. In Asian Oceanographic and GeoSciences Meeting. Brisbane, Australia, June 22-28, 2013.
2012 |
Archer, M., Martinez-Pedraja, J., Shay, L. K., & Parks, A. B. (2012). Application of high frequency (HF) radar and the Okubo-Weiss parameter to analyze submesoscale variability in the Florida Current. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2012. Salt Lake City, UT: 02/19/12-02/24/12.
Archer, M., Parks, A. B., Shay, L. K., & Martinez-Pedraja, J. (2012). Resolving oceanic eddy variability in HF radar derived surface currents using Okubo-Weiss. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2012. Salt Lake City, UT: 02/19/12-02/24/12.
Ault, J. S., Shay, L. K., Luo, J., Brewster, J., Hammerslag, N., Meyers, P., et al. (2012). Integrating animal borne sensors (ABS) with SMARTS climatology model to improve forecasts of hurricane intensity and fishery dynamics. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2012. Salt Lake City, UT: 02/19/12-02/24/12: Poster.
Shay, L. K. (2012). Tropical cyclone induced air-sea interactions across warm oceanic fronts. In European Geosciences Union 2012 General Assembly. Vienna, Austria, April 23-27, 2012.
Shay, L. K. (2012). Advancing Technologies to improve oceanic analyses and products for hurricane forecasting. In American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA, January 22-26, 2012.
Shay, L. K. (2012). Surveys of the Loop Current During Deep Water Horizon. In AGU/AOGS Oceania Geosciences Meeting. Sentosa, Singapore, August 13-17, 2012.
Shay, L. K. (2012). Air-sea interactions across oceanic fronts during tropical cyclone passage. In AGU Annual Meeting. San Francisco, Ca, December 3-7, 2012.
Shay, L. K., Jaimes, B., Brewster, J. K., Meyers, P., McCaskill, C., Uhlhorn, E. W., et al. (2012). Resolving eddy shedding processes from the Loop Current During Deep Water Horizon (2010): Implications for coupled forecast intensity models. In American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting. Ponte Verde Beach, FL, April 16-20, 2012.
Shay, L. K., Jaimes, B., Brewster, J. K., Paul, S., & Richards, T. (2012). Improving the oceanic data acquisition system for research aircraft. In Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference 2012. Charleston, SC : 03/04/12-03/08/12.
Shay, L. K., Martinez-Pedraja, J., Haus, B. K., Archer, M., & Parks, A. B. (2012). Submesoscale surface current variability along the Florida Current. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2012. Salt Lake City, UT: 02/19/12-02/24/12: Poster.
2011 |
Shay, L. K., Jaimes, B., Brewster, J. D., Meyers, P., McCaskill, C., Paul, S., et al. (2011). Real-time airborne ocean measurements and predictions of Loop Current eddy shedding during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill: Implications for hurricane intensity forecasting. In Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference 2011. Miami, FL : 02/28/11-03/3/11.