Journal Articles - 5 |
2020 |
Schutte, C. A., Marton, J. M., Bernhard, A. E., Giblin, A. E., & Roberts, B. J. (2020). No Evidence for Long-term Impacts of Oil Spill Contamination on Salt Marsh Soil Nitrogen Cycling Processes. Estuaries and Coasts, 43, 865–879.
2019 |
Bernhard, A. E., Chelsky, A., Giblin, A. E., & Roberts, B. J. (2019). Influence of Local and Regional Drivers on Spatial and Temporal Variation of Ammonia-Oxidizing Communities in Gulf of Mexico Salt Marshes. Environmental Microbiology Reports, 11(6), 825–834.
2017 |
Urakawa, H., & Bernhard, A. E. (2017). Wetland management using microbial indicators. Ecological Engineering, 108(Part B), 456–476.
2016 |
Bernhard, A. E., Sheffer, R., Giblin, A. E., Marton, J. M., & Roberts, B. J. (2016). Population Dynamics and Community Composition of Ammonia Oxidizers in Salt Marshes after the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. Front. Microbiol., 7(854).
2015 |
Marton, J. M., Roberts, B. J., Bernhard, A. E., & Giblin, A. E. (2015). Spatial and Temporal Variability of Nitrification Potential and Ammonia-Oxidizer Abundances in Louisiana Salt Marshes. Estuaries and Coasts, 38(6), 1824–1837.
Conference Presentations - 38 |
2020 |
Roberts, B. J., Schutte, C. A., Rossi, R., Bernhard, A. E., Giblin, A. E., Overton, E., et al. (2020). Oiling impacts on salt marsh ecosystem processes: Insights from a large-scale salt marsh mesocosm experiment. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2020. Tampa, FL : 02/03/20-02/06/20: Poster.
2019 |
Bernhard, A. E., Beltz, J., Giblin, A. E., & Roberts, B. J. (2019). Comammox Bacteria May Explain Regional Variation in Salt Marh Nitrification Rates. In ASM Microbe 2019. San Francisco, CA : 06/20/19-06/24/19: Poster.
Roberts, B. J., Schutte, C. A., Rossi, R. E., Bernhard, A. E., & Giblin, A. E. (2019). Oiling Impacts on Salt Marsh Nitrogen Cycling Rates: Insights From a Large-Scale Marsh Mesocosm Experiment. In 25th Biennial CERF Conference. Mobile, AL : 11/03/19-11/07/19.
Roberts, B. J., Schutte, C. A., Rossi, R. E., Bernhard, A. E., & Giblin, A. E. (2019). Oiling Impacts on Salt Marsh Nitrogen Cycling Rates: Insights From a Large-Scale Marsh Mesocosm Experiment. In 2019 AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA : 12/09/19-12/13/19.
Roberts, B. J., Schutte, C. A., Rossi, R. E., Jones, S. F., Bernhard, A. E., Giblin, A. E., et al. (2019). A Large-Scale Salt Marsh Mesocosm Facility to Test the Effects of Disturbances on Wetland Ecosystem Processes. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2019. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19: Poster.
2018 |
Bernhard, A. E., Giblin, A. E., & Roberts, B. J. (2018). Biogeography of salt marsh ammonia oxidizers: Comparisons between Gulf of Mexico and New England marshes. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2018. New Orleans, LA : 02/05/18-02/08/18.
Bernhard, A. E., Giblin, A. E., & Roberts, B. J. (2018). Multiple factors drive patterns of ammonia-oxidizing communities in Louisiana salt marshes. In ASM Microbe 2018. Atlanta, GA : 06/07/18-06/11/18: Poster.
Chelsky, A., Bernhard, A. E., Giblin, A. E., & Roberts, B. J. (2018). High spatial variability in biogeochemical rates and microbial communities across Louisiana salt marshlandscapes. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2018. New Orleans, LA : 02/05/18-02/08/18.
Roberts, B. J., Chelsky, A., Bernhard, A., & Giblin, A. (2018). High Spatial Variability in Biogeochemical Rates and Microbial Communities across Louisiana Salt Marsh Landscapes. In 2018 State of the Coast Conference. New Orleans, LA : 05/30/18-06/01/18.
Roberts, B. J., Schutte, C., Rossi, R., Jones, S., Bernhard, A., Giblin, A., et al. (2018). A large-scale salt marsh mesocosm facility to test the effects of disturbances on wetland ecosystem processes. In 2018 AGU Fall Meeting. Washington, DC : 12/10/18-12/14/18: Poster.
Schutte, C., Marton, J., Bernhard, A., Giblin, A., & Roberts, B. J. (2018). Long-Term Impact of Oiling On Salt Marsh Nitrogen Cycling Processes. In 2018 State of the Coast Conference. New Orleans, LA : 05/30/18-06/01/18.
2017 |
Bernhard, A. E., Giblin, A. E., & Roberts, B. J. (2017). Multi-year Patterns in Community Composition of Ammonia-Oxidizers in Louisiana Salt Marshes Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.
Bernhard, A. E., Giblin, A. E., & Roberts, B. J. (2017). Biogeography of salt marsh ammonia oxidizers: Comparisons between Gulf of Mexico and New England marshes. In Cerf 2017. Providence, RI : 11/05/17-11/09/17.
Chelsky, A., Marton, J., Bernhard, A., Giblin, A., & Roberts, B. J. (2017). Long-term patterns in nitrification rates and ammonia oxidizer abundances in Louisiana salt marshes following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.
Roberts, B. J., Chelsky, A., Bernhard, A. E., & Giblin, A. E. (2017). High spatial variability in biogeochemical rates and microbial communities across Louisiana salt marsh communities. In Cerf 2017. Providence, RI : 11/05/17-11/09/17.
Roberts, B. J., Chelsky, A., Bernhard, A. E., & Giblin, A. E. (2017). High spatial variability in biogeochemical rates and microbial communities across Louisiana salt marsh communities. In 2017 AGU Fall Meeting. New Orleans, LA : 12/11/17-12/15/17.
2016 |
Bernhard, A. E., Giblin, A. E., & Roberts B.J. (2016). Patterns in Community Composition of Ammonia-Oxidizers in Louisiana Salt Marshes Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. In 16th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology. Montreal, Canada : 08/21/16-08/26/16: Poster.
Bernhard, A. E., Sheffer, R., Giblin, A. E., Marton, J. M., & Roberts, B. J. (2016). Population Dynamics and Community Composition of Ammonia Oxidizers in Salt Marshes Impacted by the Macondo Oil Spill. In General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Boston, MA : 06/16/16-06/20/16: Poster.
Bernhard, A. E., Sheffer, R., Marton, J. M., Roberts, B. J., & Giblin, A. E. (2016). Impacts of Oil on Population Dynamics and Community Composition of Ammonia Oxidizers and Relationships with Nitrification Rates in Louisiana Salt Marshes. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16.
Chelsky, A., Marton, J., Bernhard, A., Giblin, A., Setta, S., Hill, T., et al. (2016). Nitrification, denitrification, and greenhouse gas production during peak growing season in oiled and unoiled Louisiana salt marshes. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16.
Chelsky, A., Marton, J., Bernhard, A., Giblin, A., Setta, S., Hill, T., et al. (2016). Spatial Patterns in Biogeochemical Processes During Peak Growing Season in Oiled and Unoiled Louisiana Salt Marshes: A Multi-Year Analysis. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2016. New Orleans, LA : 02/21/16-02/26/16: Poster.
Chelsky, A., Marton, J., Bernhard, A. E., Giblin, A. E., Setta, S. P., & Roberts, B. J. (2016). Biogeochemical processes in oiled and unoiled Louisiana salt marshes: a multiyear analysis. In 2016 State of the Coast. New Orleans, LA : 06/01/16-06/03/16.
Giblin, A. E., Tucker, J., Bernhard, A. E., Marton, J. M., Rich, M. W., Sullivan, H. L., et al. (2016). Potential and in-situ denitrification rates in oiled and unoiled Louisiana salt marsh sediments following the Deepwater Horizon spill. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16: Poster.
Roberts, B. J., Chatelain, K., Fortin, S., Chelsky, A., Setta, S., Sullivan, H., et al. (2016). Highly variable biogeochemical process rates across salt marsh soil subhabitats: implications for scaling-up plot level measurements. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16: Poster.
2015 |
Bernhard, A. E., Sheffer, R., Giblin, A. E., Marton, J. M., & Roberts, B. J. (2015). Potential impacts of oiling on nitrifying communities in Louisiana salt marshes. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2015. Houston, TX : 02/16/15-02/19/15.
Giblin, A. E., Tucker, J., Bernhard, A. E., Marton, J. M., Rich, M. W., & Roberts, B. J. (2015). Denitrification rates in marsh sediments exposed to oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill and nearby reference sites in Louisiana salt marshes. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2015. Houston, TX : 02/16/15-02/19/15.
Rabalais, N., Able, K., Bernhard, A., Besonen, M., Engel, A., Fodrie, F., et al. (2015). CWC-II Principal Investigators and Research Plan, CWC-II poster. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2015. Houston, TX : 02/16/15-02/19/15: Poster.
Rabalais, N. N., Able, K. W., Bernhard, A. E., Brown, K. M., Crandall, K. A., Engel, A. S., et al. (2015). CWC-I Plenary Presentation. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2015. Houston, TX : 02/16/15-02/19/15.
Roberts, B. J., Marton, J. M., Rich, M. W., Sullivan, H. L., Bernhard, A. E., Tucker, J., et al. (2015). Denitrification rates in marsh sediments exposed to oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill and nearby reference sites in Louisiana salt marshes. In Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation 2015. Portland, OR : 11/08/15-11/12/15.
2014 |
Bernhard, A. E., Pandya, K., Sheffer, R., Zazueta-Ramirez, C., Marton, J. M., Roberts, B., et al. (2014). Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Abundance, Activity, and Community Composition of Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea and Bacteria in Louisiana Salt Marshes. In American Society for Microbiology General Meeting. Boston, MA : 5/17/14-5/20/14: Poster.
Marton, J. M., Roberts, B. J., Bernhard, A. E., Giblin, A. E., Mack, S., & Moore, T. (2014). Differential biogeochemical responses of Spartina alterniflora and Avicennia germinans soils following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. In 2014 Phycological Society of America Meeting/Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Portland, OR : 05/18/14-05/23/14.
Roberts, B. J., Marton, J. M., Bernhard, A. E., & Giblin, A. E. (2014). Louisiana salt marsh biogeochemistry and microbial community dynamics following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. In 2014 Phycological Society of America Meeting/Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Portland, OR : 05/18/14-05/23/14: Poster.
2013 |
Bernhard, A. E., Marton, J., Roberts, B., & Giblin, A. E. (2013). Community composition of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in Louisiana marshes impacted by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. In 22nd Biennial Conference of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation. San Diego, CA, November 3 - 7, 2013.
Giblin, A. E., Bernhard, A. E., Marton, J., Tucker, J., & Roberts, B. (2013). Denitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) in sediments exposed to oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill. In 22nd Biennial Conference of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation. San Diego, CA, November 3 - 7, 2013.
Marton, J. M., Bernhard, A. E., Giblin, A. E., & Roberts, B. J. (2013). Louisiana Brackish and Salt Marsh Nitrification Potential and Microbial Diversity Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2013. New Orleans, LA: 01/21/2013-01/23/2013.
Marton, J. M., Roberts, B. J., Bernhard, A. E., & Giblin, A. E. (2013). Location, Location, Location! Spatial Heterogeneity of Salt Marsh Biogeochemical Processes. In 22nd Biennial Conference of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation. San Diego, CA, November 3 - 7, 2013.
Maton, J. M., Roberts, B. J., Bernhard, A. E., & Giblin, A. E. (2013). The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Biogeochemical Impacts Two Years Post-Spill. In SWS Meeting. Duluth, MN, June 2-6, 2013.
Roberts, B. J., Marton, J. M., Bernhard, A. E., & Giblin, A. E. (2013). Louisiana brackish and salt marsh nitrification potential and microbial diversity following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2013. New Orleans, LA : 02/17/13-02/22/2013.