Investigating the effect of oil spills
on the environment and public health.
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Funding Source: GoMRI Legacy Projects

Project Overview

C-IMAGE Consortium Book: Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War 2020


Link to book: C-IMAGE Consortium Book: Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills

From the publisher:

"It has often been said that generals prepare for the next war by re-fighting the last. The Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill was unlike any previous – an underwater well blowout 1,500 meters deep. Much has been learned in the wake of DWH and these lessons should in turn be applied to both similar oil spill scenarios and those arising from “frontier” explorations by the marine oil industry. The next deep oil well blowout may be at 3,000 meters or even deeper. This volume summarizes regional (Gulf of Mexico) and global megatrends in marine oil exploration and production. Research in a number of key areas including the behavior of oil and gas under extreme pressure, impacts on biological resources of the deep sea, and the fate of oil and gas released in spills is synthesized. A number of deep oil spills are simulated with detailed computer models, and the likely effects of the spills and potential mitigation measures used to combat them are compared. Recommended changes in policies governing marine oil exploration and development are proposed, as well as additional research to close critical and emerging knowledge gaps. This volume synthesizes state-of-the-art research in deep oil spill behavior and response. It is thus relevant for government and industry oil spill responders, policy formulators and implementers, and academics and students desiring an in-depth and balanced overview of key issues and uncertainties surrounding the quest for deep oil and potential impacts on the environment."

Book Whole - 1


Murawski, S.;A., C., Gilbert, S., Hollander, D., Paris, C., Schlüter, M., & Wetzel, D. (2019). Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (S., Murawski, C. Ainsworth, S. Gilbert, D. Hollander, C. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al., Eds.). Springer International Publishing.

Book Chapters - 29


Armenteros, M., Schwing, P. T., Larson, R. A., Diaz-Asencio, M., Martinez-Suarez, A., Fernandez-Garces, R., et al. (2019). Geochemical and faunal characterization in the sediments off the Cuban north and northwest coast. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 147–159). Springer International.
Berenshtein, I., Perlin, N., Ainsworth, C. H., Ortega-Ortiz, J. G., Vaz, A. C., & Paris, C. B. (2019). Comparison of the spatial extent, impacts to shorelines, and ecosystem and 4-dimensional characteristics of simulated oil spills. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 340–354). Springer International.
Berenshtein, I., Perlin, N., Murawski, S. A., Joye, S. B., & Paris, C. B. (2019). Evaluating the effectiveness of fishery closures for deep oil spills using a 4-dimensional model. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 390–402). Springer International.
Brooks, G. R., Larson, R., Schwing, P., Diercks, A., Armenteros, M., Diaz-Asencio, M., et al. (2019). Gulf of Mexico (GoM) bottom sediments and depositional processes: A baseline for future oil spills. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 75–95). Springer International.
Chancellor, E., Murawski, S. A., Paris, C. B., Perruso, L., & Perlin, N. (2019). Comparative environmental sensitivity of offshore Gulf of Mexico waters potentially impacted by ultra-deep oil well blowouts. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 443–469). Springer International.
Chanton, J. P., Jaggi, A., Radovic, J. R., Rosenheim, B., Walker, B. D., Larter, S. R., et al. (2019). Mapping isotopic and dissolved organic matter baselines in waters and sediments of Gulf of Mexico. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 160–181). Springer International.
Daly, K. L., Vaz, A. C., & Paris, C. B. (2019). Physical processes influencing the sedimentation and lateral transport of MOSSFA in the NE Gulf of Mexico. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 300–314). Springer International.
Foekema, E. M., van Eenennaam, J. S., Hollander, D. J., Langenhoff, A. M., Oldenburg, T. B. P., Rohal, M., et al. (2019). Testing the effect of MOSSFA (Marine Oil Snow Sedimentation and Flocculent Accumulation) events in benthic microcosms. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 288–399). Springer International.
Frasier, K. E. (2019). Evaluating Impacts of Deep Oil Spills on Oceanic Marine Mammals. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 419–442). Springer International.
Kostka, J. E., Overholt, W. A., Rodriguez-R., L. M., Huettel, M., & Konstantinidis, K. (2019). Toward a predictive understanding of the benthic microbial community response to oiling on the northern Gulf of Mexico coast. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 182–202). Springer International.
Locker, S. D., & Hine, A. C. (2019). An Overview of the Geologic Origins of Hydrocarbons and Production Trends in the Gulf of Mexico. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 60–74). Springer International.
MacDonald, I. R., Gaytan-Caballero, A., & Escobar-Briones, E. (2019). The Asphalt Ecosystem of the Southern Gulf of Mexico: Abyssal Habitats Across Space and Time. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 132–146). Springer International.
Mitchelmore, C. L., Griffitt, R. J., Coelho, G. M., & Wetzel, D. L. (2019). Modernizing Protocols for Aquatic Toxicity Testing of Oil and Dispersant. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 239–252). Springer International.
Montagna, P. A., Baguley, J., Rowe, G. T., & Wade, T. (2019). Linking abiotic variables with macrofaunal and meiofaunal abundance and community structure patterns on the Gulf of Mexico continental slope. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 109–131). Springer International.
Murawski, S. A. (2019). Perspectives on Research, Technology, Policy, and Human Resources for Improved Management of Ultra-Deep Oil and Gas Resources and Responses to Oil Spills. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 513–530). Springer International.
Murawski, S. A., Ainsworth, C. H., Gilbert, S. A., Hollander, D. J., Paris, C. B., Schlüter, M., et al. (2019). Introduction to the Volume. In Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 4–15). Springer International.
Murawski, S. A., Hollander, D. J., Gilbert, S., & Gracia, A. (2019). Deepwater Oil and Gas Production in the Gulf of Mexico and Related Global Trends. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 16–32). Springer International.
Murawski, S. A., Schlüter, M., Paris, C. B., & Aman, Z. M. (2019). Summary of Contemporary Research on the Use of Chemical Dispersants for Deep-Sea Oil Spills. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 494–512). Springer International.
Murk, A. J., Hollander, D., Chen, S., Hu, C., Liu, Y., Vonk, S. M., et al. (2019). A predictive strategy for mapping locations where future MOSSFA events are expected. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 355–368). Springer International.
Overton, E. B., Wetzel, D. L., Wickliffe, J. K., & Adhikari, P. (2019). Spilled Oil Composition and the Natural Carbon Cycle: The True Drivers of Environmental Fate and Effects of Oil Spills. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 33–56). Springer International.
Paris, C. B., Murawski, S. A., Olascoaga, M. J., Vaz, A. C., Berenshtein, I., Miron, P., et al. (2019). Connectivity of Gulf of Mexico continental shelf fish populations and implications of simulated oil spills. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 369–389). Springer International.
Paris, C. B., Vaz, A. C., Berenshtein, I., Perlin, P., Faillettaz, R., Aman, Z. M., et al. (2019). Simulating deep oil spills beyond the Gulf of Mexico. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 315–339). Springer International.
Patterson, W. F., Chanton, J. P., Hollander, D. J., Goddard, E. A., Barnett, B. K., & Tarnecki, J. T. (2019). The utility of stable and radio isotopes in fish tissues as biogeochemical tracers of marine oil spill food web effects. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 219–238). Springer International.
Peebles, E. B., & Hollander, D. J. (2019). Combining Isoscapes with Tissue-Specific Isotope Records to Recreate the Geographic Histories of Fish. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 203–218). Springer International.
Pulster, E., Gracia, A., Snyder, S., Romero, I. C., Carr, B., Toro-Farmer, G., et al. (2019). Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Baselines in Gulf of Mexico Fishes. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 253–271). Springer International Publishing.
Raimondo, S., Awkerman, J. A., Yee, S., & Barron, M. G. (2019). Case Study: Using a Combined Laboratory, Field, and Modeling Approach to Assess Oil Spill Impacts. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 272–287). Springer International.
Schwing, P. T., Montagna, P. A., Machain-Castillo, M. L., Escobar-Briones, E., & Rohal, M. (2019). Benthic faunal baselines in the Gulf of Mexico: A precursor to evaluate future impacts. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 96–108). Springer International.
Suprenand, P., Hoover, C., Ainsworth, C. H., Dornberger, L. N., & Johnson, C. J. (2019). Preparing for the inevitable: ecological and indigenous community impacts of oil spill-related mortality in the United States Arctic marine ecosystem. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 470–493). Springer International.
Sutton, T., Frank, T., Judkins, H., & Romero, I. C. (2019). As Gulf Oil Extraction Goes Deeper, Who Is at Risk? Community Structure, Distribution, and Connectivity of the Deep-Pelagic Fauna. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 403–418). Springer International Publishing.

This research was made possible by a grant from The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative.