Investigating the effect of oil spills
on the environment and public health.
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Funding Source: Year One Block Grant - Florida Institute of Oceanography

Project Publications & Presentations

Toxicity of Deepwater Horizon Oil and Dispersants on Florida's Reef Biota

Journal Article - 1


Ross, B. J., & Hallock, P. (2014). Chemical toxicity on coral reefs: Bioassay protocols utilizing benthic foraminifers. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 457, 226–235.

Conference Presentations - 5


Mendez-Ferrer, N., & Hallock, P. (2012). Photo-oxidative stress and bleaching in the foraminifer Amphistegina gibbosa d'Orbigny. In Florida Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting. Tampa, FL, March 16-17, 2012: Poster.
Mendez-Ferrer, N., & Hallock, P. (2012). Quantifying photic stress in algal symbionts of larger benthic foraminifers. In Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. Charlotte, NC, November 4-7, 2012: Poster.
Ross, B., & Hallock, P. (2012). Assessing acute and long term effects of chemical exposure in Foraminifera: Challenges and new directions. In Florida Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting. Tampa, FL, March 16-17, 2012: Poster.
Ross, B., & Hallock, P. (2012). Responses to chemical exposure by Foraminifera: Distinguishing dormancy from mortality. In Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. Charlotte, NC, November 4-7, 2012.


Ross, B., & Hallock, P. (2011). Acute and Sub-acute Effects of Exposure to Dispersant Chemicals on the Larger Foraminifer Amphistegina gibbosa. In Florida Association of Benthologists Annual Meeting. Tampa, FL, October 24-26, 2011: Poster.
This research was made possible by a grant from The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative.