Investigating the effect of oil spills
on the environment and public health.
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Funding Source: Year 5-7 Consortia Grants (RFP-IV)

Project Publications & Presentations

Relationship of Effects of Cardiac Outcomes in Fish for Validation of Ecological Risk (RECOVER)

Journal Articles - 42


Khursigara, A. J., Johansen, J. L., & Esbaugh, A. J. (2021). The effects of acute crude oil exposure on growth and competition in red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus. Science of The Total Environment, 751, 141804.


Folkerts, E. J., Heuer, R. M., Flynn, S., Stieglitz, J. D., Benetti, D. D., Alessi, D. S., et al. (2020). Exposure to Hydraulic Fracturing Flowback Water ImpairsMahi-Mahi(Coryphaena hippurus) Cardiomyocyte Contractile Function and Swimming Performance. Environ. Sci. Technol., 54(21), 13579–13589.
Kirby, A. R., Galli, G., Crossley, J., Sweet, L. E., Crossley II, D. A., & Roberts, A. P. (2020). Gill filament permeabilization: A novel approach to assess mitochondrial function in sheepshead minnows (Cyprinodon variegatus) following anthraquinone exposure. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, 230, 108699.
Magnuson, J. T., Bautista, N. M., Lucero, J. A., Lund, A. K., Xu, E. G., Schlenk, D., et al. (2020). Exposure to Crude Oil Induces Retinal Apoptosis and Impairs Visual Function in Fish. Environ. Sci. Technol., 54(5), 2843–2850.


Armstrong, T., Khursigara, A. J., Killen, S. S., Fearnley, H., Parsons, K. J., & Esbaugh, A. J. (2019). Oil exposure alters social group cohesion in fish. Sci Rep, 9(1).
Bautista, N. M., & Burggren, W. W. (2019). Parental stressor exposure simultaneously conveys both adaptive and maladaptive larval phenotypes through epigenetic inheritance in the zebrafish (Danio rerio). J Exp Biol, 222(17), jeb208918.
Beresford, S., Kastler, J., McDonald, R., DiNicola, D., & Fillingham, K. (2019). Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Impacts on Organisms and Habitats. Current: The Journal of Marine Education, 33(1), 21–32.
Greer, J. B., Andrzejczyk, N. E., Mager, E. M., Stieglitz, J. D., Benetti, D., Grosell, M., et al. (2019). Whole-Transcriptome Sequencing of Epidermal Mucus as a Novel Method for Oil Exposure Assessment in Juvenile Mahi-Mahi (Coryphaena hippurus). Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett., 6(9), 538–544.
Heuer, R. M., Galli, G. L. J., Shiels, H. A., Fieber, L. A., Cox, G. K., Mager, E. M., et al. (2019). Impacts of Deepwater Horizon Crude Oil on Mahi-Mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) Heart Cell Function. Environ. Sci. Technol., 53(16), 9895–9904.
Johansen, J. L., & Esbaugh, A. J. (2019). Oil-induced responses of cardiac and red muscle mitochondria in red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, 219, 35–41.
Khursigara, A. J., Ackerly, K. L., & Esbaugh, A. J. (2019). Oil toxicity and implications for environmental tolerance in fish. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, 220, 52–61.
Schlenker, L. S., Welch, M. J., Mager, E. M., Stieglitz, J. D., Benetti, D. D., Munday, P. L., et al. (2019). Exposure to Crude Oil from theDeepwater HorizonOil Spill Impairs Oil Avoidance Behavior without Affecting Olfactory Physiology in Juvenile Mahi-Mahi (Coryphaena hippurus). Environ. Sci. Technol., 53(23), 14001–14009.
Schlenker, L. S., Welch, M. J., Meredith, T. L., Mager, E. M., Lari, E., Babcock, E. A., et al. (2019). Damsels in Distress: Oil Exposure Modifies Behavior and Olfaction in Bicolor Damselfish (Stegastes partitus). Environ. Sci. Technol., 53(18), 10993–11001.
Xu, E. G., Khursigara, A. J., Li, S., Esbaugh, A. J., Dasgupta, S., Volz, D. C., et al. (2019). mRNA-miRNA-Seq Reveals Neuro-Cardio Mechanisms of Crude Oil Toxicity in Red Drum (Sciaenops ocellatus). Environ. Sci. Technol., 53(6), 3296–3305.


Kloeblen, S., Stieglitz, J. D., Suarez, J., Grosell, M., & Benetti, D. (2018). Characterizing egg quality and larval performance from captive mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) over time. Aquac Res, 49(1), 282–293.
Pan, Y. K., Khursigara, A. J., Johansen, J. L., & Esbaugh, A. J. (2018). The effects of oil induced respiratory impairment on two indices of hypoxia tolerance in Atlantic croaker ( Micropogonias undulatus ). Chemosphere, 200, 143–150.
Perrichon, P., Mager, E. M., Pasparakis, C., Stieglitz, J. D., Benetti, D. D., Grosell, M., et al. (2018). Combined effects of elevated temperature and Deepwater Horizon oil exposure on the cardiac performance of larval mahi-mahi, Coryphaena hippurus. PLoS ONE, 13(10), e0203949.
Stieglitz, J. D., Benetti, D. D., & Grosell, M. (2018). Nutritional physiology of mahi-mahi ( Coryphaena hippurus ): Postprandial metabolic response to different diets and metabolic impacts on swim performance. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 215, 28–34.
Sweet, L. E., Revill, A. T., Strzelecki, J., Hook, S. E., Morris, J. M., & Roberts, A. P. (2018). Photo-induced toxicity following exposure to crude oil and ultraviolet radiation in 2 Australian fishes: Phototoxicity of Australian crude oil to fish. Environ Toxicol Chem, 37(5), 1359–1366.


Cox, G. K., Crossley II, D. A., Stieglitz, J. D., Heuer, R. M., Benetti, D. D., & Grosell, M. (2017). Oil Exposure Impairs In Situ Cardiac Function in Response to β-Adrenergic Stimulation in Cobia (Rachycentron canadum). Environ. Sci. Technol., 51(24), 14390–14396.
Diamante, G., do Amaral e Silva Müller, G., Menjivar-Cervantes, N., Xu, E. G., Volz, D. C., Dias Bainy, A. C., et al. (2017). Developmental toxicity of hydroxylated chrysene metabolites in zebrafish embryos. Aquatic Toxicology, 189, 77–86.
Diamante, G., Menjivar-Cervantes, N., Leung, M. S., Volz, D. C., & Schlenk, D. (2017). Contribution of G protein-coupled estrogen receptor 1 (GPER) to 17β-estradiol-induced developmental toxicity in zebrafish. Aquatic Toxicology, 186, 180–187.
Diamante, G., Xu, E. G., Chen, S., Mager, E., Grosell, M., & Schlenk, D. (2017). Differential Expression of MicroRNAs in Embryos and Larvae of Mahi-Mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) Exposed toDeepwater HorizonOil. Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett., 4(12), 523–529.
Johansen, J. L., Allan, B. J. M., Rummer, J. L., & Esbaugh, A. J. (2017). Oil exposure disrupts early life-history stages of coral reef fishes via behavioural impairments. Nat Ecol Evol, 1(8), 1146–1152.
Johansen, J. L., & Esbaugh, A. J. (2017). Sustained impairment of respiratory function and swim performance following acute oil exposure in a coastal marine fish. Aquatic Toxicology, 187, 82–89.
Khursigara, A. J., Perrichon, P., Martinez Bautista, N., Burggren, W. W., & Esbaugh, A. J. (2017). Cardiac function and survival are affected by crude oil in larval red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus. Science of The Total Environment, 579, 797–804.
Nelson, D., Stieglitz, J. D., Cox, G. K., Heuer, R. M., Benetti, D. D., Grosell, M., et al. (2017). Cardio-respiratory function during exercise in the cobia, Rachycentron canadum : The impact of crude oil exposure. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, 201, 58–65.
Pasparakis, C., Sweet, L. E., Stieglitz, J. D., Benetti, D., Casente, C. T., Roberts, A. P., et al. (2017). Combined effects of oil exposure, temperature and ultraviolet radiation on buoyancy and oxygen consumption of embryonic mahi-mahi, Coryphaena hippurus. Aquatic Toxicology, 191, 113–121.
Perrichon, P., Grosell, M., & Burggren, W. W. (2017). Heart Performance Determination by Visualization in Larval Fishes: Influence of Alternative Models for Heart Shape and Volume. Front. Physiol., 8.
Perrichon, P., Pasparakis, C., Mager, E. M., Stieglitz, J. D., Benetti, D. D., Grosell, M., et al. (2017). Morphology and cardiac physiology are differentially affected by temperature in developing larvae of the marine fish mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus). Biology Open, 6(6), 800–809.
Stieglitz, J. D., Hoenig, R. H., Kloeblen, S., Tudela, C. E., Grosell, M., & Benetti, D. D. (2017). Capture, transport, prophylaxis, acclimation, and continuous spawning of Mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) in captivity. Aquaculture, 479, 1–6.
Sweet, L. E., Magnuson, J., Garner, T. R., Alloy, M. M., Stieglitz, J. D., Benetti, D., et al. (2017). Exposure to ultraviolet radiation late in development increases the toxicity of oil to mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) embryos: Developmental timing of photo-induced toxicity to mahi-mahi. Environ Toxicol Chem, 36(6), 1592–1598.
Xu, E. G., Khursigara, A. J., Magnuson, J., Hazard, E. S., Hardiman, G., Esbaugh, A. J., et al. (2017). Larval Red Drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) Sublethal Exposure to Weathered Deepwater Horizon Crude Oil: Developmental and Transcriptomic Consequences. Environ. Sci. Technol., 51(17), 10162–10172.
Xu, E. G., Mager, E. M., Grosell, M., Hazard, E. S., Hardiman, G., & Schlenk, D. (2017). Novel transcriptome assembly and comparative toxicity pathway analysis in mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) embryos and larvae exposed to Deepwater Horizon oil. Sci. Rep., 7, 44546.
Xu, E. G., Mager, E. M., Grosell, M., Stieglitz, J. D., Hazard, E. S., Hardiman, G., et al. (2017). Developmental transcriptomic analyses for mechanistic insights into critical pathways involved in embryogenesis of pelagic mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus). PLoS ONE, 12(7), e0180454.


Buskey, E., White, H., & Esbaugh, A. (2016). Impact of Oil Spills on Marine Life in the Gulf of Mexico: Effects on Plankton, Nekton, and Deep-Sea Benthos. Oceanog, 29(3), 174–181.
Joye, S. B., Bracco, A., Ozgokmen, T. M., Chanton, J. P., Grosell, M., MacDonald, I. R., et al. (2016). The Gulf of Mexico ecosystem, six years after the Macondo oil well blowout. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 129, 4–19.
Nelson, D., Heuer, R. M., Cox, G. K., Stieglitz, J. D., Hoenig, R., Mager, E. M., et al. (2016). Effects of crude oil on in situ cardiac function in young adult mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus). Aquatic Toxicology, 180, 274–281.
Oziolor, E. M., Dubansky, B., Burggren, W. W., & Matson, C. W. (2016). Cross-resistance in Gulf killifish (Fundulus grandis) populations resistant to dioxin-like compounds. Aquatic Toxicology, 175, 222–231.
Pasparakis, C., Mager, E. M., Stieglitz, J. D., Benetti, D., & Grosell, M. (2016). Effects of Deepwater Horizon crude oil exposure, temperature and developmental stage on oxygen consumption of embryonic and larval mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus). Aquatic Toxicology, 181, 113–123.
Xu, E. G., Mager, E. M., Grosell, M., Pasparakis, C., Schlenker, L. S., Stieglitz, J. D., et al. (2016). Time- and oil-dependent transcriptomic and physiological responses to Deepwater Horizon oil in mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) embryos and larvae. Environ. Sci. Technol., 129, 4–19.


Burggren, W., Dubansky, B., Roberts, A., & Alloy, M. (2015). Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill as a Case Study for Interdisciplinary Cooperation within Developmental Biology, Environmental Sciences and Physiology. Wjet, 3(4C), 7–23.

Conference Presentations - 111


Schlenker, L., Faillettaz, R., Stieglitz, J., Lam, C. H., Hoenig, R., Cox, G., et al. (2020). Using remotely transmitted accelerometer data collected from pop-up satellite archival tags to predict spawning in wild mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus). In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020. San Diego, CA : 02/16/20-02/21/20.
Schlenker, L., Faillettaz, R., Stieglitz, J., Lam, C. H., Hoenig, R., Heuer, R., et al. (2020). Effects of oil on mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus)-Using pop-up satellite archival tags to reveal the movement ecology of wild fish. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2020. Tampa, FL : 02/03/20-02/06/20.


Bautista, N., Crespel, A., & Burggren, W. W. (2019). Dietary Crude Oil Exposure During Sexual Determination Modifies Sex-Ratio in Zebrafish (Danio rerio). In Society of Experimental Biology 2019 Annual Meeting. Seville, Spain : 07/02/19-07/05/19: Poster.
Bonatesta, F., Greer, J., Xu, E., Schlenk, D., & Mager, E. (2019). Effects of Deepwater Horizon Crude Oil Exposure on the Developing Teleost Kidney. In South Central Regional Chapter of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) 2019 Annual Meeting. Waco, TX : 05/03/19-05/05/19: Poster.
Bonatesta, F., Price, E., Greer, J., Xu, E., Schlenk, D., & Mager, E. (2019). Effects of Deepwater Horizon crude oil exposure on the developing teleost kidney. In Society of Experimental Biology 2019 Annual Meeting. Seville, Spain : 07/02/19-07/05/19.
Schlenker, L. S., Stieglitz, J. D., Hoenig, R. H., Faillettaz, R., Babcock, E. A., Lam, C. H., et al. (2019). Why Tag a Captive Fish? Evaluating habitat utilization, migration patterns, and spawning behavior in mahi-mahi using pop-up satellite archival tags. In 70th Tuna Conference. Lake Arrowhead, CA : 05/20/19-05/23/19.


Bridges, K., Roberts, A. P., Morris, J., Venables, B., Gielazyn, M., Krasnec, M., et al. (2018). Advances in the effects of UV on oil toxicity in aquatic organisms. In SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting. Rome, Italy : 05/13/18-05/17/18.
Christensen, E. A. F., Stieglitz, J. D., Grosell, M., & Steffensen, J. F. (2018). Oxygen consumption rate and swimming performance of two closely related fish (genus: Perca) in relation to salinity and origin habitat salinity. In FITFISH Annual Conference. Porto, Portugal : 04/19/18-04/20/18.
Grosell, M., Stieglitz, J. D., Heuer, R. M., Pasparakis, C., Schlenker, L., Magnuson, J. T., et al. (2018). A wide range of endpoints are impacted by oil exposure in early and later life stages of marine fish. In SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting. Rome, Italy : 05/13/18-05/17/18.
Heuer, R. M., Shiels, H. A., Galli, G. L. J., Cox, G. K., Stieglitz, J. D., Benetti, D., et al. (2018). Crude oil impairs heart cell function in the mahi-mahi (Corphaena hippurus). In Experimental Biology 2018. San Diego, CA : 04/21/18-04/25/18.
Heuer, R. M., Shiels, H. A., Galli, G. L. J., Cox, G. K., Stieglitz, J. D., Benetti, D., et al. (2018). Crude oil impairs heart cell function in the pelagic mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus). In SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting. Rome, Italy : 05/13/18-05/17/18.
Karaczynski, A. (2018). Communicating and disseminating RECOVER research to the classroom through a web-based virtual lab application: Virtual Lab. In SciComm 2018. Lincoln, NE : 03/23/18-03/25/18.
Karaczynski, A. (2018). Bringing RECOVER research into the classroom through a virtual lab application: Virtual Lab. In Florida Marine Science Educators Association (FMSEA) Conference. Fort Lauderdale, FL : 05/03/18-05/06/18.
Magnuson, J., Khursigara, A., Allmon, E., Esbaugh, A., Heuer, R., Stieglitz, J., et al. (2018). Effects of oil exposure on visual function in early life stage fishes. In SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting. Rome, Italy : 05/13/18-05/17/18: Poster.
Pasparakis, C., Sweet, L. E., Mager, E. M., Stieglitz, J. D., Benetti, D. D., Roberts, A. P., et al. (2018). Impacts of oil exposure on mahi embryos. In SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting. Rome, Italy : 05/13/18-05/17/18.
Schlenk, D. (2018). microRNA and messenger RNA networks in early life stages of pelagic and nearshore fish species exposed to Deepwater Horizon oil. In SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting. Rome, Italy : 05/13/18-05/17/18.
Schlenk, D. (2018). Genomic Networks Predict Apical Impairment In Early Life Stages Of Mahi Mahi Exposed To Oil. In ASLO 2018 Summer Meeting. Victoria, Canada : 06/10/18-06/15/18.
Schlenker, L., Welsh, M. J., Mager, E. M., Stieglitz, J. D., Benetti, D. D., Munday, P. L., et al. (2018). Behavioral and physiological responses of bicolored damselfish and mahi-mahi to olfactory cues following crude oil exposure. In SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting. Rome, Italy : 05/13/18-05/17/18.


Armstrong, T., Khursigara, A. J., Killen, S., & Esbaugh, A. J. (2017). Effect of oil exposure on social behaviour. In The Society of Experimental Biology – SEB Gothenburg 2017. Gothenburg, Sweden : 07/03/17-07/06/17: Poster.
Bautista, N., & Burggren, W. (2017). Epigenetic Inheritance of PAH Resistance in the Zebrafish (Danio rerio). In The Society of Experimental Biology – SEB Gothenburg 2017. Gothenburg, Sweden : 07/03/17-07/06/17: Poster.
Bautista, N., & Burggren, W. W. (2017). Epigenetic Inheritance of PAH Resistance in the Zebrafish (Danio rerio). In 2017 SACNAS Confernce. Salt Lake City, UT : 10/19/17-10/21/17.
Burggren, W. W. (2017). August Krogh Distinguished Lectureship Award. In APS Experimental Biology 2017. Chicago, IL : 04/22/17-04/26/17.
Cox, G. K., Crossley, D. A., Stieglitz, J. D., Heuer, R. M., Benetti, D. D., & Grosell, M. (2017). Too Crude: The decline of cardiac function in Gulf of Mexico pelagic fish species. In 147th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Tampa, FL : 08/20/17-08/24/17.
Crespel, A., Bautista, N., Crossley, J., Padilla, P., & Burggren, W. (2017). Trans-generational epigenetic response of zebrafish (Danio rerio) exposed to PAHs: molecular, maternal and paternal effects. In The Society of Experimental Biology – SEB Gothenburg 2017. Gothenburg, Sweden : 07/03/17-07/06/17: Poster.
Diamante, G., do Amarel e Silva Muller, G., Menjivar-Cervantes, N., Volz, D. C., Dias Bainy, A. C., & Schlenk, D. (2017). Developmental toxicity of 2- and 6-hydroxychrysene on zebrafish embryos. In 19th International Symposium on Pollutant Responses in Marine Organisms (PRIMO 19). Matsuyama, Japan : 06/30/17-07/03/17.
DiNicola, D. (2017). Development of a Web-based Virtual Lab Application to Disseminate and Communicate GoMRI Science. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.
Dubansky, B. (2017). Keynote: Impact of Interdisciplinary Inclusion in Science. In 2017 National Academies Keck Futures Initiative Conference. Irvine, CA : 11/8/17-11/11/17.
Dubansky, B., & Burggren, W. (2017). Growth, development and the measure of cardiovascular physiology in embryonic and larval teleost fish. In 147th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Tampa, FL : 08/20/17-08/24/17.
Esbaugh, A. J. (2017). Ecophysiological implications of acute embryonic and juvenile oil exposure in marine fish. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.
Esbaugh, A. J. (2017). Emerging insights in oil toxicity: evidence of non-canonical impairment in fish. In The Society of Experimental Biology – SEB Gothenburg 2017. Gothenburg, Sweden : 07/03/17-07/06/17: Poster.
Esbaugh, A. J. (2017). Environmental Implications of Fossil Fuel Usage on Respiratory Performance and Behavior in Marine Fish. In 147th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Tampa, FL : 08/20/17-08/24/17.
Grosell, M. (2017). Impacts of oil exposure on mahi-mahi: from the subcellular and molecular level through populations and ecosystems Part of Oral Session-008a: Ecosystem Structure, Function, and Services: Legacies of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.
Grosell, M., Cox, G. K., Heuer, R., Pasparakis, C., Schlenker, L., Stieglitz, J., et al. (2017). Impacts of crude oil on marine pelagic fish: From molecular and cellular responses to habitat utilization of wild mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus). In SETAC North America 38th Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, MN : 11/12/17-11/16/17.
Heuer, R. M., Shiels, H. A., Galli, G. L. J., Cox, G. K., Stieglitz, J. D., Benetti, D. D., et al. (2017). Impacts of crude oil on cardiomyocyte function in the mahi (Coryphaena hippurus). In 147th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Tampa, FL : 08/20/17-08/24/17.
Heuer, R. M., Shiels, H. A., Galli, G. L. J., Cox, G. K., Stieglitz, J. D., Benetti, D. D., et al. (2017). Impacts of crude oil on cardiomyocyte function in the mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus). In The Society of Experimental Biology – SEB Gothenburg 2017. Gothenburg, Sweden : 07/03/17-07/06/17: Poster.
Johansen, J. L., & Esbaugh, A. J. (2017). Chronic impairment of cardiorespiratory function and swim performance of red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) following acute exposure to naturally weathered crude oil . In Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting 2017. New Orleans, LA : 01/04/17-01/08/17.
Khursigara, A. J., Johansen, J. L., & Esbaugh, A. J. (2017). The influence of oil exposure on social interactions and competition in a marine teleost. In Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting 2017. New Orleans, LA : 01/04/17-01/08/17.
Khursigara, A. J., Johansen, J. L., & Esbaugh, A. J. (2017). The influence of oil exposure on social interactions and competition in a marine teleost. In The Society of Experimental Biology – SEB Gothenburg 2017. Gothenburg, Sweden : 07/03/17-07/06/17: Poster.
Magnuson, J., Barnes, E., Sweet, L., & Roberts, A. P. (2017). Effects of oil exposure on vision in an estuarine fish species. In 3rd International Conference on Environmental Pollution, Restoration, and Management. Qui Nhon, Vietnam : 03/06/17-03/10/17.
Magnuson, J. T., Allmon, E., Khursigara, A. J., Xu, E. G., Esbaugh, A., Schlenk, D., et al. (2017). Effects of Deepwater Horizon crude oil on visual function in early life stage fishes. In SETAC North America 38th Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, MN : 11/12/17-11/16/17.
Martinez-Bautista, N., & Burggren, W. (2017). Epigenetic Inheritance of PAH Resistance in larval zebrafish (Danio rerio). In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17: Poster.
Nelson, D., Stieglitz, J., Hoenig, R., Mager, E., Benetti, D., Grosell, M., et al. (2017). Cardiovascular Function of Sub-Adult Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) During Exercise Following Crude Oil Exposure. In Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting 2017. New Orleans, LA : 01/04/17-01/08/17.
Pasparakis, C., Sweet, L., Mager, E., Stieglitz, J., Casente, C., Benetti, D., et al. (2017). Impacts of Oil Exposure on Mahi-Mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) Embryo. In 147th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Tampa, FL : 08/20/17-08/24/17.
Perrichon, P. (2017). Behavioral tools for assessing neurophysiological performances in fish toxicity testing. In 41st Annual Larval Fish Conference. Austin, TX : 07/12/17-07/16/17.
Perrichon, P., Mager, E. M., Pasparakis, C., Stieglitz, J. D., Benetti, D. D., Grosell, M., et al. (2017). Temperature influence upon cardiotoxicity of Deepwater Horizon in larval mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus). In 41st Annual Larval Fish Conference. Austin, TX : 07/12/17-07/16/17: Poster.
Reynolds-Kirby, A., Heuer, R., Mager, E., Stieglitz, J., Grosell, M., Benetti, D., et al. (2017). Changes in Cardiac Mitochondrial Bioenergetics after 24h of Crude Oil Exposure in Sub-adult Mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus). In Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting 2017. New Orleans, LA : 01/04/17-01/08/17: Poster.
Rowsey, L. E., Khursigara, A. J., & Esbaugh, A. J. (2017). Effects of Sub-Lethal Oil Exposure on Predator-Prey Dynamics in a Larval Marine Fish. In Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting 2017. New Orleans, LA : 01/04/17-01/08/17: Poster.
Schlenk, D. (2017). Comparative transcriptomic analysis of mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) and red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) embryos and larvae reveals key toxicity pathways in response to Deepwater Horizon oil. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.
Schlenk, D. (2017). Use of transcriptomic and informatic tools to predict adverse outcome pathways of oil to embryonic and larval fish from the Gulf of Mexico. In 9th National Conference for Environmental Chemistry. Hangzhou, China : 10/19/17-10/20/17.
Schlenk, D. (2017). Use of transcriptomic and informatic tools to predict adverse outcome pathways of oil to embryonic and larval fish from the Gulf of Mexico. In National Conference for Fisheries and Aquaculture. Xiamen, China : 10/23/17-10/23/17.
Schlenker, L., Welch, M. J., Mager, E., Stieglitz, J., Benetti, D. D., Munday, P. I., et al. (2017). Behavioral and Physiological Responses of Mahi-Mahi and Bicolor Damselfish to Olfactory Cues Following Crude-Oil Exposure. In SETAC North America 38th Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, MN : 11/12/17-11/16/17.
Schlenker, L. S., Stieglitz, J. D., Benetti, D. D., & Grosell, M. (2017). Foraging behavior and olfactory acuity of Mahi-Mahi exposed to crude oil from the Deepwater Horizon event. In 147th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Tampa, FL : 08/20/17-08/24/17.
Schlenker, L. S., Stieglitz, J. D., Hoenig, R. H., Babcock, E. A., Lam, C. H., Benetti, D. D., et al. (2017). Why tag a captive fish? Improving our understanding of habitat utilization, migration patterns, and spawning behaviors in Mahi-Mahi (Coryphaena hippurus). In 147th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Tampa, FL : 08/20/17-08/24/17.
Schlenker, L. S., Welch, M. J., Mager, E. M., Stieglitz, J. D., Benetti, D. D., Munday, P. L., et al. (2017). Behavioral response of Bicolor Damselfish and Mahi-Mahi to olfactory cues following crude oil exposure. In 147th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Tampa, FL : 08/20/17-08/24/17.
Stieglitz, J., Hoenig, R., Benetti, D., & Grosell, M. (2017). Metabolic Implications of Fossil Fuel Exposure in an Adult Pelagic Predatory Fish Species: Mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus). In 147th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Tampa, FL : 08/20/17-08/24/17.
Sweet, L., Barnes, E., Hook, S., Morris, J., Revill, A., Strzelecki, J., et al. (2017). The photo-induced toxicity of Australian northwest shelf crude oil to yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) and black bream (Acanthopagrus butcheri). In 3rd International Conference on Environmental Pollution, Restoration, and Management. Qui Nhon, Vietnam : 03/06/17-03/10/17.
Sweet, L., Bridges, K., Pasparakis, C., Perrichon, P., Crossley, J. L., Stieglitz, J., et al. (2017). The effects of photoproducts generated from irradiated crude oil exposures on a pelagic fish species, the mahi mahi (Coryphaena hippurus). In 3rd International Conference on Environmental Pollution, Restoration, and Management. Qui Nhon, Vietnam : 03/06/17-03/10/17.
Sweet, L., Casente, C., Stieglitz, J., Benetti, D., Grosell, M., Curran, T., et al. (2017). The energetic costs of increased temperature, ultraviolet light, and crude oil co-expsosures to mahi-mahi embryos. In 3rd International Conference on Environmental Pollution, Restoration, and Management. Qui Nhon, Vietnam : 03/06/17-03/10/17.
Wang, Y., Mager, E., Pasparakis, C., Stieglitz, J., Benetti, D., & Grosell, M. (2017). Ontogony of urea and ammonia transporters in mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) early life stages. In The Society of Experimental Biology – SEB Gothenburg 2017. Gothenburg, Sweden : 07/03/17-07/06/17: poster.
Xu, E. G., Diamante, G., Chai, S., Mager, E. M., Grosell, M., & Schlenk, D. (2017). Regulation of microRNAs in mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) exposed to Deepwater Horizon oil. In 19th International Symposium on Pollutant Responses in Marine Organisms (PRIMO 19). Matsuyama, Japan : 06/30/17-07/03/17.
Xu, E. G., Diamante, G., Chen, S., Mager, E., Grosell, M., & Schlenk, D. (2017). Regulation of microRNAs in mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) exposed to Deepwater Horizon oil. In SETAC North America 38th Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, MN : 11/12/17-11/16/17.


Barnes, E., Magnuson, J., Levin, M., DiNicola, D., Stieglitz, J., Grosell, M., et al. (2016). Oiled vision: Understanding fishes' visual response to oil spills through reseaerch and film. In 7th Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) World Congress/SETAC North America 37th Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL : 11/06/16-11/10/16.
Burggren, W. W. (2016). Epigenetic Transgenerational Inheritance and Its Implications for Organismal Resilience to Oil Spills. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16.
Burggren, W. W. (2016). Cardio-respiratory development in bird embryos: new insights from a venerable animal model. In 1st International Meeting of Advances in Animal Science. Sao Paulo, Brazil : 06/06/16 - 06/10/16.
Burggren, W. W. (2016). Developmental Cardio-Respiratory Physiology of the Tropical Gar, Atractosteus tropicus. In International Congress on the Biology of Fish. San Marcos, TX : 06/12/16 - 06/16/16.
Crespel, A., Martinez Bautista, N., Padilla, P., & Burggren, W. (2016). Epigenetic inheritance of Zebrafish (Danio rerio) response to PAHs exposure. In 6th Integrative Biology Workshop. Toluca, Mexico : 10/28/16-10/30/16.
Crossley, D. A., & Roberts, A. P. (2016). Oral Session 07: The Physiological Resiliency of Marine Fish and Invertebrates following Oil Exposure. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16.
Diamante, G., do Amaral e Silva Muller, G., Celso Dias Bainy, A., & Schlenk, D. (2016). Effects of 2- and 6-hydroxylated Chrysene on the Development of Danio rerio Embryos. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16: Poster.
Diamante, G., do Amaral e Silva Muller, G., Celso Dias Bainy, A., & Schlenk, D. (2016). Effects of 2- and 6-hydroxylated Chrysene on the Development of Danio rerio Embryos. In Society of Toxicology 2016 Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA : 03/13-16-03/17/16: Poster.
Diamante, G., Muller, G., Menjivar Cervantes, N., Bainy, A., Volz, D., & Schlenk, D. (2016). Developmental toxicity of 2- and 6-hydroxychrysene in zebrafish embryos. In 7th Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) World Congress/SETAC North America 37th Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL : 11/06/16-11/10/16: Poster.
Diamante, G., Muller, G. D., Bainy A., & Schlenk, D. (2016). Developmental toxicity of 2- and 6-hydroxychrysene on Danio rerio embryos. In Southern California Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. San Diego, CA : 04/21/16-04-22-16: Poster.
Dubanksy, B., Rojas, M., Perrichon, P., Tazawa, H., Mach, P., Verbeck, G., et al. (2016). Oil Vapors from Deepwater Horizon Oil and Altered Development of Avian Embryos. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16: Poster.
Esbaugh, A. J. (2016). Eco-Physiological Implication of Early Life Cardiotoxicity in a Coastal Fish Species, Sciaenops ocellatus. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16.
Esbaugh, A. J. (2016). Eco-physiological implications of acute embryonic and juvenile oil exposure in marine fish. In 7th Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) World Congress/SETAC North America 37th Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL : 11/06/16-11/10/16.
Grosell, M. (2016). Sublethal and often Subtle Impacts of Oil Exposure on Aquatic Animals Can Inform Us of Modes of Action and Long Term Effects. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16.
Grosell, M. (2016). Keynote: Assessing impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill across multiple levels of biological organization in different life stages of pelagic fish. In 14th SETAC Southeast Region Annual Meeting. Gainesville, FL : 09/22/16-09/24/16.
Grosell, M. (2016). Assessing impacts of crude oil exposure across multiple levels of biological organization in a pelagic marine teleost, the mahi-mahi. In 7th Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) World Congress/SETAC North America 37th Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL : 11/06/16-11/10/16.
Grosell, M. (2016). Sublethal impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on pelagic top predators from the Gulf of Mexico – communicating science to a broad audience. In 7th Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) World Congress/SETAC North America 37th Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL : 11/06/16-11/10/16.
Heuer, R. M., Shiels, H. A., Galli, G. L. J., Cox, G. K., Stieglitz, J. D., Hoenig, R., et al. (2016). Impacts of crude oil on ventricular function in the mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus). In 7th Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) World Congress/SETAC North America 37th Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL : 11/06/16-11/10/16: Poster.
Johansen, J., & Esbaugh, A. J. (2016). Immediate and prolonged changes to respiratory performance and swim performance of red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) following acute exposure to naturally weathered crude oil. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16: Poster.
Johansen, J., & Esbaugh, A. J. (2016). Recovery of cardiorespiratory performance and swim performance of red (Sciaenops ocellatus) following acute exposure to naturally weathered crude oil. In International Congress on the Biology of Fish. San Marcus, TX : 06/12/16 - 06/16/16.
Khursigara, A., Perrichon, P., Bautista, N. M., Burggren, W. W., & Esbaugh, A. J. (2016). Early life sensitivity of red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus, to source and naturally weathered oil. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16: Poster.
Khursigara, A., Perrichon, P., Bautista, N. M., Burggren, W. W., & Esbaugh, A. J. (2016). Early life sensitivity of red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus, to source and naturally weathered oil. In International Congress on the Biology of Fish. San Marcus, TX : 06/12/16 - 06/16/16.
Mager, E. (2016). Effects of Deepwater Horizon Crude Oil Exposure on the Intestinal Transport Physiology of the Gulf Toadfish (Opsanus beta). In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16.
Magnuson, J., Barnes, E., Garner, T., Sweet, L., Stieglitz, J., Grosell, M., et al. (2016). Effects of oil exposure on vision in a pelagic marine predator, mahi-mahi. In 7th Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) World Congress/SETAC North America 37th Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL : 11/06/16-11/10/16: Poster.
Magnusson, J., Sweet, L. E., Garner, T. R., Alloy, M., Stieglitz, J. D., Mager, E. M., et al. (2016). Molecular characterization of antioxidant response in mahi mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) embryos co-exposed to oil and ultraviolet radiation. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16: Poster.
Martinez Bautista, N., & Burggren, W. W. (2016). Parental dietary exposure to PAHs enhance survival of the F1 generation during waterborne exposures. In 6th Integrative Biology Workshop. Toluca, Mexico : 10/28/16-10/30/16.
Martinez-Bautista, N., & Burggren, W. W. (2016). Parental dietary exposure to PAHs enhances survival of the F1 generation during waterborne exposures. In International Congress on the Biology of Fish. San Marcos, TX : 06/12/16 - 06/16/16: Poster.
Muller, G. D., Diamante, G., Bainy A., & Schlenk, D. (2016). Developmental effects of 2 and 6-hydroxychrysene on zebrafish embryos. In Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Annual Meeting Europe. Nantes, France : 05/22/16-05/26/16: Poster.
Nelson, D., Heuer, R., Stieglitz, J., Hoenig, R., Mager, E., Allmon, E. B., et al. (2016). Hemodynamics throughout Recovery from Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Exposure in Juvenile Mahi-Mahi (Coryphaena hippurus). In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16: Poster.
Nelson, D., Stieglitz, J., Hoenig, R., Mager, E. M., Benetti, D. D., Grosell, M., et al. (2016). Cardiovascular function of sub-adult cobia (Rachycentron canadum) during exercise following crude oil exposure. In 7th Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) World Congress/SETAC North America 37th Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL : 11/06/16-11/10/16: Poster.
Pasparakis, C., Mager, E., Stieglitz, J., & Grosell, M. (2016). Combined effects of Deepwater Horizon crude oil exposure, temperature and developmental stage on oxygen consumption of embryonic and larval mahi-mahi. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16: Poster.
Pasparakis, C., Sweet, L., Stieglitz, J., Bennetti, D., Casente, C., Roberts, A. P., et al. (2016). Combined effects of oil exposure, temperature, and UV-radiation on buoyancy and oxygen consumption of embryonic mahi-mahi. In 7th Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) World Congress/SETAC North America 37th Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL : 11/06/16-11/10/16: Poster.
Perrichon, P., Khursigara, A., Pasparakis, C., Bautista, N. M., Mager, E. M., Stieglitz, J. D., et al. (2016). Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in Early Life Stages Impairs Cardiac Development of Three Gulf of Mexico Fishes. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16: Poster.
Perrichon, P., Pasparakis, C., Mager, E. M., Stieglitz, J. D., Benetti, D. D., Grosell, M., et al. (2016). Cardiotoxicity of Deepwater Horizon oil in Mahi-mahi larvae is temperature dependent. In International Congress on the Biology of Fish. San Marcos, TX : 06/12/16 - 06/16/16.
Reynolds, A., Heuer, R., Hoenig, R., Stieglitz, J., Grosell, M., Benetti, D., et al. (2016). OXPHOS Capacity in Mahi mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) after Crude Oil Exposure. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16: Poster.
Rojas Antich, M., Wood, A., Martinez, N., Perrichon, P., Dubansky, B., & Burggren, W. W. (2016). Exposure to PAHs during early stages of development of the chicken embryo (Gallus gallus) affects cardiovascular physiology. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16: Poster.
Schlenker, L., Stieglitz, J., Benetti, D., & Grosell, M. (2016). Foraging Behavior, Olfaction, and Predator Prey Interactions of Mahi Mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) Exposed to Crude Oil from the Deep Water Horizon Event. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16: Poster.
Schlenker, L., Welch, M., Mager, E., Stieglitz, J., Benetti, D., Munday, P., et al. (2016). Foraging behavior and olfactory capacity of Mahi Mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) exposed to crude oil from the Deep Water Horizon event. In 7th Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) World Congress/SETAC North America 37th Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL : 11/06/16-11/10/16: Poster.
Sweet, L. (2016). Exposure to Ultraviolet Radiation Increases the Toxicity of Oil to Mahi mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) Embryos. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16.
Sweet, L., Bridges, K., Pasparakis, C., Stieglitz, J., Bennetti, D., Grosell, M., et al. (2016). The effects of crude oil co-exposed with multiple stressors on the metabolomic profile of mahi-mahi embryos. In 7th Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) World Congress/SETAC North America 37th Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL : 11/06/16-11/10/16: Poster.
Sweet, L., Strelecki, J., Morris, J., Reville, A., Hook, S., Esbaugh, A., et al. (2016). The effects of photoproducts generated from irradiated crude oil exposures on pelagic and estuarine fish species. In 7th Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) World Congress/SETAC North America 37th Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL : 11/06/16-11/10/16.
Wang, Y., Mager, E., Pasparakis, C., Stieglitz, J., Benetti, D., & Grosell, M. (2016). Gene expression analysis of the impacts of crude oil toxicity on nitrogenous waste excretion in mahi mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) early life stage. In 7th Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) World Congress/SETAC North America 37th Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL : 11/06/16-11/10/16: Poster.
Xu, G. E., Khursigara, A., Starr Hazard, E., Hardiman, G., Esbaugh, A. J., Grosell, M., et al. (2016). Global transcriptional responses to Deepwater Horizon oil in red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) embryos. In 7th Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) World Congress/SETAC North America 37th Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL : 11/06/16-11/10/16: Poster.
Xu, G. E., Mager, E., Grosell, M., Hazard, E., Courtney, S., Hardiman, G., et al. (2016). Genome-wide Transcriptional Responses to Deepwater Horizon Oil in Mahi-Mahi (Coryhaena hippurus) Embryos. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16.
Xu, G. E., Mager, E., Grosell, M., Hazard, E., Courtney, S., Hardiman, G., et al. (2016). Genome-Wide Transcriptional Responses toDeepwater Horizon Oil in Mahi-Mahi (Coryhaena hippurus)embryos. In Society of Toxicology 2016 Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA : 03/13-16-03/17/16: Poster.
Xu, G. E., Mager, E., Grosell, M., Pasparakis, C., Schlenker, L., Stieglitz, J., et al. (2016). Time and oil dependent genomic and physiological responses to Deepwater Horizon oil in mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) embryos. In 7th Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) World Congress/SETAC North America 37th Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL : 11/06/16-11/10/16.


Diamante, G., & Schlenk, D. (2015). Developmental Effects of 2-hydroxychrysene in Zebrafish (Danio Rerio) Embryos. In SETAC North America 36th Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, UT : 11/01/15-11/05/15: Poster.
Grosell, M. (2015). Impacts of the 2010 Deep Water Horizon oil spill on coastal and pelagic fish from the Gulf of Mexico. In SETAC North America 36th Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, UT : 11/01/15-11/05/15.
Pasparakis, C. (2015). Combined effects of Deepwater Horizon crude oil exposure, temperature and developmental stage on oxygen consumption of embryonic and larval mahi-mahi. In SETAC North America 36th Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, UT : 11/01/15-11/05/15.
This research was made possible by a grant from The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative.