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Hale, C., Graham, L., Maung-Douglass, E., Sempier, S., Skelton, T., Swann, L., et al. (2018). Helping Oiled Animals Recover: Gulf of Mexico. Oil Spill Science: Sea Grant Programs of the Gulf of Mexico, (GOMSG-G-18-004).
Main, K. L., Wetzel, D. L., Grams, R., Nystrom, M. J., Niebuhr, K., & Lewis, J. (2018). Utilizing Recirculating Aquaculture Systems to Evaluate the Impact of Oil Toxicity on Marine Fishes: Design and Operation of a Large-Scale Experimental System. mar technol soc j, 52(6), 23–31.
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Murawski, S. A., Peebles, E. B., Gracia, A., Tunnell, J. W., & Armenteros, M. (2018). Comparative Abundance, Species Composition, and Demographics of Continental Shelf Fish Assemblages throughout the Gulf of Mexico. Mar Coast Fish, 10(3), 325–346.
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Rodgers, M. L., Takeshita, R., & Griffitt, R. J. (2018). Deepwater Horizon oil alone and in conjunction with Vibrio anguillarum exposure modulates immune response and growth in red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus). Aquatic Toxicology, 204, 91–99.
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2017 |
Graham, L., Hale, C., Maung-Douglass, E., Sempier, S., Skelton, T., Swann, L., et al. (2017). The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill's Impact on Bottlenose Dolphins. Oil Spill Science: Sea Grant Programs of the Gulf of Mexico, (GOMSG-G-17-OO2).
Hale, C., Graham, L., Maung-Douglass, E., Sempier, S., Skelton, T., Swann, L., et al. (2017). Coral and Oil Spills. Oil Spill Science: Sea Grant Programs of the Gulf of Mexico, (GOMSG-G-17-014).
Hale, C., Graham, L., Maung-Douglass, E., Sempier, S., Skelton, T., Swann, L., et al. (2017). Sea Turtles and the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. Oil Spill Science: Sea Grant Programs of the Gulf of Mexico, (GOMSG-G-17-001).
2016 |
Hale, C., Graham, L., Maung-Douglass, E., Sempier, S., Swann, L., & Wilson, M. (2016). Impacts from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Gulf of Mexico Fisheries. Oil Spill Science: Sea Grant Programs of the Gulf of Mexico, (GOMSG-G-16-002).
Hale, C., Graham, L., Maung-Douglass, E., Sempier, S., Swann, L., & Wilson, M. (2016). Skin Lesions in Fish: Was There a Connection to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill? Oil Spill Science: Sea Grant Programs of the Gulf of Mexico, (GOMSG-G-16-OO5).
2015 |
Maung-Douglass, E., Graham, L., Hale, C., Sempier, S., Swann, L., & Wilson, M. (2015). Responses of Aquatic Animals in the Gulf of Mexico to Oil and Dispersants. Oil Spill Science: Sea Grant Programs of the Gulf of Mexico, (GOMSG-G-15-001).
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