Investigating the effect of oil spills
on the environment and public health.
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Rayan Ibrahim

The City University of New York - College of Staten Island

Department of Mathematics

1S-215, 2800 Victory Boulevard
Staten Island, NY  10314  

Project List:

Consortium for Advanced Research on Transport of Hydrocarbons in the Environment III (CARTHE-III)

Year 8-10 Research Grants (RFP-VI)Role: Undergraduate Student

Publications & Presentations:

Journal Articles - 2


Berta, M., Griffa, A., Haza, A. C., Horstmann, J., Huntley, H. S., Ibrahim, R., et al. (2020). Submesoscale Kinematic Properties in Summer and Winter Surface Flows in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 125(10).
Cook, A. B., Bernard, A. M., Boswell, K. M., Bracken-Grissom, H., D'Elia, M., deRada, S., et al. (2020). A Multidisciplinary Approach to Investigate Deep-Pelagic Ecosystem Dynamics in the Gulf of Mexico following Deepwater Horizon. Front. Mar. Sci., 7.