Investigating the effect of oil spills
on the environment and public health.
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Victoria Coles

University of Maryland

Center for Environmental Science

UMCES Center Administration
Post Office Box 775
Cambridge , MD  21613  


Project List:

Consortium for Simulation of Oil-Microbial Interactions in the Ocean (CSOMIO)

Year 8-10 Research Grants (RFP-VI)Role: Co-Principal Investigator

Publications & Presentations:

Journal Articles - 2


Dukhovskoy, D. S., Morey, S. L., Chassignet, E. P., Chen, X., Coles, V. J., Cui, L., et al. (2021). Development of the CSOMIO Coupled Ocean-Oil-Sediment- Biology Model. Front. Mar. Sci., 8, E629299.


Shropshire, T. A., Morey, S. L., Chassignet, E. P., Bozec, A., Coles, V. J., Landry, M. R., et al. (2020). Quantifying spatiotemporal variability in zooplankton dynamics in the Gulf of Mexico with a physical-biogeochemical model. Biogeosciences, 17(13), 3385–3407.

Conference Presentations - 12


Coles, V., Wang, J., Mason, O., & Stukel, M. (2020). Understanding how trait-based modeling (Genome-based EmergeNt Ocean Microbial Ecosystem Model) influences predictions of biogeochemical, ecological, and microbial system responses. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020. San Diego, CA : 02/16/20-02/21/20.
Morey, S., Chassignet, E. P., Dukhovskoy, D. S., Harris, C. K., Coles, V., Stukel, M., et al. (2020). A coupled modeling system for simulating oil-biological-sediment interactions in the ocean. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2020. Tampa, FL : 02/03/20-02/06/20.
Morey, S. L., Chassignet, E. P., Dukhovskoy, D. S., Harris, C. K., Coles, V., Stukel, M. R., et al. (2020). A coupled modeling system for simulating oil-biological-sediment interactions in the ocean. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020. San Diego, CA : 02/16/20-02/21/20: Poster.
Shropshire, T., Morey, S. L., Chassignet, E. P., Coles, V., Karnauskas, M., Landry, M. R., et al. (2020). Zooplankton validation in a physical-biogeochemical model with potentially valuable applications to fisheries management in the Gulf of Mexico. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020. San Diego, CA : 02/16/20-02/21/20: Poster.
Wang, J., Coles, V., Stukel, M., & Mason, O. (2020). Rapid adaptation of the microbial community to abrupt environmental change in the Gulf of Mexico modeled with the Genome-based EmergeNt Ocean Microbial Ecosystem Model. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020. San Diego, CA : 02/16/20-02/21/20.


Morey, S. L., Chassignet, E., Dukhovskoy, D., Stukel, M., Harris, C., Hetland, R., et al. (2019). Development of a coupled modeling system for simulating oil-microbial-sediment interactions in the ocean. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2019. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19.
Stropshire, T., Morey, S., Chassignet, E., Coles, V., Karnauskas, M., Landry, M., et al. (2019). Estimates of food limitation experienced by coastal-pelagic fish larvae in the Gulf of Mexico. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2019. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19: Poster.
Wang, J., Coles, V., Kelly, T. B., Mason, O. U., Stropshire, T., & Stukel, M. R. (2019). Oil-Microbe interactions in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) modeled with the Genome-based EmergeNt Ocean Microbial Ecosystem Model. In ASLO 2019 Aquatic Sciences Meeting. San Juan, Puerto Rico : 02/23/19-03/02/19.
Wang, J., Coles, V., Kelly, T. B., Mason, O. U., Stropshire, T., & Stukel, M. R. (2019). Oil-Microbe interactions in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) modeled with the Genome-based EmergeNt Ocean Microbial Ecosystem Model. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2019. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19: Poster.
Wang, J., Coles, V., Stukel, M., Kelly, T., & Mason, O. (2019). Rapid adaptation of the microbial community to abrupt environmental change in the Gulf of Mexico modeled with the Genome-based EmergeNt Oceand Microbial Ecosystem Model. In 2019 Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry (OCB) Summer Workshop. Woods Hole, MA : 06/24/19-06/27/19: Poster.


Coles, V. (2018). Is it who you are or what you do? Evolution of metabolic function shapes ocean biogeochemistry in a gene-based model. In 2018 Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Summer Workshop. Woods Hole, MA : 06/25/18-06/28/18.
Coles, V., Stukel, M., Moran, M. A., & Hood, R. (2018). Metabolic function not microbial taxonomy determines ocean biogeochemical gradients in a gene based marine ecosystem model. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2018. Portland, OR : 02/11/18-02/16/18: Poster.