Investigating the effect of oil spills
on the environment and public health.
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Nicole Farley

Wayne State University

Department of Biological Sciences

1360 Bio Science Bldg
Detroit, MI  48202  


Project List:

Coastal Waters Consortium II (CWC II)

Year 5-7 Consortia Grants (RFP-IV)Role: Undergraduate Student

Publications & Presentations:

Conference Presentations - 2


Chelsky, A., Farley, N., & Roberts, B. J. (2017). The significance of vegetation type for nitrogen transformation, removal and retention in Louisiana salt marshes. In Cerf 2017. Providence, RI : 11/05/17-11/09/17.


Chelsky, A., Farley, N., & Roberts, B. J. (2016). Rates of soil nitrification and denitrification within Louisiana salt marshes: The significance of vegetation type. In Society of Wetland Scientists – South Central Chapter (SWS-SCC) & Gulf Estuarine Research Society (GERS) Fall 2016 Meeting. Pensacola, FL : 11/02/16-11/05/16.