Investigating the effect of oil spills
on the environment and public health.
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Liuqian Yu

Dalhousie University

Department of Oceanography

1355 Oxford Street
Halifax, NS  B3H 4R2  Canada


Project List:

Three-Dimensional Gulf Circulation and Biogeochemical Processes Unveiled by State-of-the-Art Profiling Float Technology and Data Assimilative Ocean Models

Year 6-8 Investigator Grants (RFP-V)Role: Graduate Student - PhD Level

Publications & Presentations:

Journal Articles - 2


Yu, L., Fennel, K., Wang, B., Laurent, A., Thompson, K. R., & Shay, L. K. (2019). Evaluation of nonidentical versus identical twin approaches for observation impact assessments: an ensemble-Kalman-filter-based ocean assimilation application for the Gulf of Mexico. Ocean Sci., 15(6), 1801–1814.


Yu, L., Fennel, K., Bertino, L., Gharamti, M. E., & Thompson, K. R. (2018). Insights on multivariate updates of physical and biogeochemical ocean variables using an Ensemble Kalman Filter and an idealized model of upwelling. Ocean Modelling, 126, 13–28.

Conference Presentations - 5


Wang, B., Fennel, K., Yu, L., & Gordon, C. (2019). Tradeoffs between satellite surface and Argo profile observations when optimizing a biogeochemical model for the Gulf of Mexico. In OceanPredict 2019. Halifax, Canada : 05/06/19-05/10/19.
Yu, L., Fennel, K., Wang, B., Laurent, A., Thompson, K., & Shay, L. (2019). Hindcasting the subsurface oil plume after the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. In OceanPredict 2019. Halifax, Canada : 05/06/19-05/10/19.


Wang, B., Fennel, K., Yu, L., Gordon, C., Zong, H., & He, R. (2018). A data-assimilative physical-biogeochemical model for the Gulf of Mexico. In CMOS 2018 Halifax. Halifax, Canada : 06/10/18-06/14/18: Poster.
Yu, L., Fennel, K., Laurent, A., Zong, H., He, R., Kang, H., et al. (2018). Simulating deep-water hydrocarbon plumes with a data-assimilative model of the Gulf of Mexico. In CMOS 2018 Halifax. Halifax, Canada : 06/10/18-06/14/18.


Yu, L., Fennel, K., Laurent, A., Zong, H., & He, R. (2017). Hindcasting and forecasting the dynamics of deep hydrocarbon plumes: Results from a data-assimilative model. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17: Poster.