Investigating the effect of oil spills
on the environment and public health.
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Deepak R. Mishra

Mississippi State University

Geosystems Research Institute

Box 9627
Mississippi State, MS  39762  


Project List:

Comprehensive Study of Impact of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on the Health and Productivity of Gulf Coast Salt Marshes

Bridge Grants (RFP-III)Role: Principal Investigator

Integrated Assessment of Oil Spill

Year One Block Grant - The Northern Gulf InstituteRole: Task Co-Lead

OIL: Comprehensive Study of the Impact of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on the Health and Productivity of Gulf Coast Salt Marshes

Year One Block Grant - The Northern Gulf InstituteRole: Principal Investigator, Project Data Point of Contact

Publications & Presentations:

Journal Article - 1


Mishra, D. R., Cho, H. J., Ghosh, S., Fox, A., Downs, C., Merani, P. B. T., et al. (2012). Post-spill state of the marsh: Remote estimation of the ecological impact of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill on Louisiana Salt Marshes. Remote Sensing of Environment, 118, 176–185.

Conference Presentations - 7


Guthrie, C. L., McNeal, K. S., Mishra, D. R., & Blakeney, G. A. (2013). Salt Marsh Sediment Biogeochemical Response to the Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill (Skiff Island, LA, & Cat Island, Marsh Point, & Salt Pan Island, MS). In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2013. New Orleans, LA: 01/21/2013-01/23/2013.


Guthrie, C. L., McNeal, K. S., Mishra, D. R., & Blakeney, G. A. (2012). Salt Marsh Sediment Biogeochemical Response to the Deep Water Horizon BP Oil Spill (Skiff Island, LA, and Cat Island, Marsh Point, and Salt Pan Island, MS). In AGU Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA, December 3-7, 2012.
Mishra, D., Cho, H. J., Ghosh, S., Downs, C., Fox, A. A., & McKibben, A. (2012). Impact of the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill on the health and productivity of Louisiana Salt Marshes. In 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Mysore, India, July 14-22, 2012.


Downs, C., Ghosh, S., & Mishra, D. (2011). Using Proximal Sensing to Monitor the Oil Spill Impact on Wetlands Across Gulf States. In Northern Gulf Institute Annual Conference. Mobile, AL, May 17-19, 2011.
Ghosh, S., Mishra, D., Cho, H. J., Fox, A. A., Downs, C., Merani, P. B. T., et al. (2011). Impact of the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill on the Health and Productivity of Louisiana Salt Marshes: Preliminary Results. In Northern Gulf Institute Annual Conference. Mobile, AL, May 17-19, 2011.
Guthrie, C. L., McNeal, K. S., Mishra, D. R., Blakeney, G. A., Ghosh, S., & Downs, C. G. (2011). Temporal Salt Marsh Sediment Response to the Deep Water Horizon BP Oil Spill at Marsh Point, MS. In Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. Charlotte, NC, November 4-7, 2012.
Mishra, D., Cho, H. J., Ghosh, S., Fox, A. A., Downs, C., Merani, P. B. T., et al. (2011). Impact of the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill on the Health and Productivity of Louisiana Salt Marshes. In Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting. April 12-16, 2011.