Investigating the effect of oil spills
on the environment and public health.
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Chris Anderson

Auburn University

School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences

602 Duncan Drive
Auburn, AL  36849  


Project List:

The Distribution of Residual Oil in Alabama Coastal Marshes and Its Impact of Marsh Vegetation

Year One Block Grant - The Alabama Marine Environmental Science ConsortiumRole: Principal Investigator, Project Data Point of Contact

Wetland and Shoreline Recovery

Year One Block Grant - The Alabama Marine Environmental Science ConsortiumRole: Principal Investigator, Project Data Point of Contact

Publications & Presentations:

Journal Articles - 2


Anderson, C. J. (2013). Degradation and Composition of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Following Oil Exposure in Experimental Salt Marshes. Water Air Soil Pollut, 224(7), 1–13.


Anderson, C. J., & Hess, T. A. (2012). The effects of oil exposure and weathering on black-needle rush (Juncus roemerianus) marshes along the Gulf of Mexico. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 64(12), 2749–2755.

Conference Presentations - 2


Hess, T. A., & Anderson, C. J. (2012). Determining the effect of oil weathering and dosage on Juncus roemerianus: A wetland mesocosm experiment. In Society of Wetland Scientists Conference. June 2012.
Wedge, M., & Anderson, C. (2012). Urban Land-Use Effects on Salt Marsh Resident Cyprinodontiformes in the Gulf of Mexico. In Society of Wetland Scientists Conference. Orlando, FL, June 3-8, 2012: Poster.