Conference Presentations - 4 |
2014 |
Reilly, L. (2014). Assessing the exposure of benthic foraminifera to hydrocarbons by stable isotopic analysis. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2014. Mobile, AL: 01/26/14-01/30/14: Poster.
Reilly, L. M., Schwing, P. T., Goddard E.A., Brooks, G. R., Larson, B., Romero, I. C., et al. (2014). Assessing the exposure of benthic foraminifera to petroleum in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico by stable isotopic analysis of carbonate tests. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2014. Honolulu, HI : 02/23/14-02/28/14: Poster.
Schwing, P., Romero, I., Hastings, D. W., Brooks, G. R., Larson, R. A., Hollander, D., et al. (2014). Characterizing the deep sea benthic foraminifera impact and response to the DWH event in the NE GoM. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2014. Mobile, AL: 01/26/14-01/30/14.
Schwing, P. T., Romero, I. C., Hastings, D. W., Brooks, G. R., Larson, R. A., Hollander, D. J., et al. (2014). Characterizing the Deep Sea Benthic Foraminifera Impact and Response to the Deepwater Horizon Event in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2014. Mobile, AL: 01/26/14-01/30/14.