Investigating the effect of oil spills
on the environment and public health.
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Michaela Patton

College of St. Benedict

Biology Department

37 South College Avenue
St. Joseph, MN  56374  


Project List:

Using Embryonic Stem Cell Fate to Determine Potential Adverse Effects of Petroleum/Dispersant Exposure

Year 3-5 Investigator Grants (RFP-II)Role: Undergraduate Student

Publications & Presentations:

Conference Presentation - 1


Patton, M. P., Temkin, A., Ellisor, D., Kohno, S., Guillette, L. J.,, & Spyropoulos, D. D. (2014). Using Molecular Markers to Rapidly Characterize Adipogenic Stem Cell Differentiation. In 2014 Annual Meeting of SICB. Austin TX: Poster.